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Tools, software and services

Access a range of digital tools to support your studies and work, including software, equipment and specialist support.

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Name Description Category
ABBYY FineReader PDF Edit PDFs. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Accessibility resources Browse assistive software and find accessible IT spaces and equipment. Accessibility
ACD/Labs Process and interpret analytical data. Scientific computing and data analysis
Adaptive Planning Run models and produce forecasts and budgets based on interconnected data. Business and finance systems
Adobe Acrobat Reader Read and annotate PDFs. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Adobe Creative Cloud Use for graphic design, to edit images, audio and video and create visual effects (staff only). Communication, collaboration and productivity
Agresso Maintain accurate records of all income and expenditure for the University. Business and finance systems
Alma (library) Manage various resources for library users (library staff only). Studying and teaching
Alteryx Process data into a format ready for Tableau dashboards and other reports. Research
Apple iPads Request a managed Apple iPad, a type of tablet computer. Computers, printing and equipment
Apple Mac (macOS) Access a managed Apple macOS operating system. Computers, printing and equipment
ArcGIS (maps) Create, analyse and visualise geographic data to make maps and support decision-making. Scientific computing and data analysis
Authorised Systems Registration Manage staff access to various University systems, such as finance, HR, and student and academic records. Business and finance systems
Autodesk Inventor (CAD) Create 3D mechanical designs and simulate products. Scientific computing and data analysis
Backups Takes copies of data from University filestores regularly that you can use to recover files. Storage
BeyondTrust Remote Support tool Remotely connect to and control a customer's device to help resolve their IT issues. Computers, printing and equipment
Business Objects Create reports from University databases. Business and finance systems
Buying equipment for personal use Save money with educational and student discounts from tech brands. Computers, printing and equipment
Campus Firewall Provides protection to devices and services at the University from certain forms of attack from the outside world. Accounts, access and security
Canvas VLE (York Online Masters degrees) A virtual learning environment (VLE) for York Online Masters degrees. Studying and teaching
Central Linux service Perform compute-intensive jobs and research using our interactive Linux systems. Computers, printing and equipment
Check-In Students can register their attendance at timetabled sessions. Studying and teaching
ChemDraw Create chemical and biological drawings. Scientific computing and data analysis
Computer and hardware repairs Repair and recycling services for University-owned and personally-owned devices. Computers, printing and equipment
Computer labs and spaces Find available PCs in our computer labs and spaces across campus. Computers, printing and equipment
Conferencing and hybrid meeting equipment Equipment to get the most out of digital meetings, from microphones to video conferencing desk phones. Computers, printing and equipment
Corel PaintShop Pro Edit bitmap images such as photos. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Corel PDF Fusion Convert and combine PDFs. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Corel VideoStudio Create and edit high-quality videos. Communication, collaboration and productivity
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite Edit photos, create and edit vector graphics and capture images from your computer screen. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Covidence (systematic reviews) Manage systematic reviews of research papers and articles. Research
cPanel Website Hosting Host and manage static websites that use programming languages such as PHP and Python. Web publishing and development
CrystalMaker Visualise and analyse crystal structures and molecular models. Scientific computing and data analysis
Custom app hosting (Shiny) IT Services can securely host your custom web applications, written with R, using Shiny. Research
Custom groups tool Set up groups of users with University IT accounts. Web publishing and development
Data centre hosting Request space in our secure University data centres to house rack-mountable IT hardware. Databases, servers and hosting
Docusign eSignature Request electronic signatures and sign documents securely. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Doodle (events scheduling) Schedule meetings and events and find suitable times among groups. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Dragon speech recognition Speech recognition software tool that can be used for dictation (advice only). Accessibility
DropOff and Deposit services Securely exchange files with staff, students and people external to the University. Storage
Duo two-factor authentication An additional layer of security when you log in to many University services. Accounts, access and security
Email submission and relaying Manage email delivery and routing. Communication, collaboration and productivity
EndNote Collect bibliographic information in one place for organising and citing. Studying and teaching
EquatIO (TextHelp package) Create mathematical and scientific equations, formulas and more directly on your computer. Scientific computing and data analysis
Facilities Helpdesk Report faults and make maintenance requests for buildings on campus. Business and finance systems
File access auditing service Satisfy compliance requirements by monitoring actions taken on sensitive files stored within storage filestores. Storage
File transfer: SFTP, SCP and Rsync Transfer files between your computer and your University filestore. Storage
Filestores Store and access your work files within the University filestores. Storage
Firefox A free web browser developed by Mozilla, an alternative to Google Chrome. Computers, printing and equipment
Formstack Create complex, multi-page, multi-threaded forms using a simple drag-and-drop builder. Web publishing and development
Google Calendar Manage schedules and events, and include meeting notes and video conferencing. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Google Chat Simple instant messaging tool with Google Workspace integration. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Google Chrome A free web browser that's part of Google Workspace and the default on University computers. Computers, printing and equipment
Google Contacts An online address book, giving you easy access to the people you want to reach. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Google Docs Create and format documents and work with other people. Part of Google Workspace. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Google Drive Cloud storage for files including shared storage functionality. Storage
Google Forms Create online surveys and quizzes, and send them to others. Part of Google Workspace. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Google Gemini (AI) Our preferred GenAI tool to generate, analyse and summarise text Generative AI (GenAI) tools
Google Gmail (email) Send and receive emails, with organisation, search and integration features. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Google Groups Create and manage custom groups to help you communicate with specific members of the University. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Google Meet Video conferencing with Google Workspace integration. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Google NotebookLM An AI writing assistant for research and note-taking. Generative AI (GenAI) tools
Google Sheets Create and format spreadsheets and work with other people. Part of Google Workspace. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Google Sites Create web pages for projects or societies through your University Google account. Web publishing and development
Google Slides Create and format slide presenations and work with other people. Part of Google Workspace. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Google two-factor authentication Provides an additional layer of security when you log on to your University Google account. Accounts, access and security
Google Workspace Suite of collaboration and productivity tools including Docs, Sheets, Forms and Slides. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Grackle Docs Run accessibility checks on work produced in Google Docs, Google Slides and Google Sheets. Accessibility
Handshake Post job opportunities for students and graduates, sign up for recruitment events and track applications. Business and finance systems
Hybrid meeting rooms Upgrade campus meeting rooms with professional technology for a better hybrid meeting experience. Computers, printing and equipment
IT Services accounts Gives you access to managed laptops, email, printing and much more. Accounts, access and security
Kinetics (residents and accommodation information) Manage residential bookings, events and catering. Business and finance systems
Kronos Manage employee timecards, attendance and wages. Business and finance systems
LabVIEW A system-design platform and development environment, used in engineering, physics and other scientific research and development fields. Scientific computing and data analysis
LastPass Safely store and autofill passwords, generate complex passwords and securely share passwords with others. Accounts, access and security
Learn VLE (Blackboard) The University's main virtual learning environment (VLE) for most students and staff. Studying and teaching
Leganto Access your reading list. Studying and teaching
Linux desktop GNU/Linux operating system with a wide range of supported applications for teaching and research. Computers, printing and equipment
Lucid A web-based visual collaboration suite for digital whiteboarding, process mapping and diagramming. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Machine registration: LAN database Add machines to the LAN database to allow them to connect to the campus wired network. Accounts, access and security
Mailjet Create and send email campaigns, and track their performance. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Maple Easy-to-use mathematical problem-solving and analysis software. Scientific computing and data analysis
Mathematica Computational software for engineering, science, mathematics and other technical computing. Scientific computing and data analysis
MathType (TextHelp package) Create mathematical and scientific equations, formulas and more (authorised staff only). Scientific computing and data analysis
MATLAB Intuitive, easy-to-use software for algorithm development, data analysis and numerical computation. Scientific computing and data analysis
Mentimeter Poll your audience and see responses in real time.  Studying and teaching
Mestrelab Mnova Process analytical chemistry data and create customisable reports. Scientific computing and data analysis
Microsoft 365 Suite of collaboration and productivity tools including Word, Excel and Teams. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Microsoft Azure Dev Tools Developer tools to create cross-platform apps, create games and manage app life cycles. Scientific computing and data analysis
Microsoft Copilot (AI) Developer tools to create cross-platform apps, create games and manage app life cycles. Generative AI (GenAI) tools
Microsoft OneDrive Store and access your University files in the Cloud. Storage
Microsoft Project Develop plans, assign resources track progress and analyse workloads within projects (staff only). Communication, collaboration and productivity
Microsoft SQL database service Recommended for critical services and data. Integrates with Microsoft products, ideal for business apps, data analysis and web development. Databases, servers and hosting
Microsoft Teams Video conferencing with external organisations when it's not possible to use University default tools such as Zoom or Google Meet. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Microsoft Visio Create diagrams, flowcharts, charts and other visual representations of complex information (staff only). Communication, collaboration and productivity
Microsoft Windows The operating system used on most University-managed devices. Computers, printing and equipment
MindGenius (mind maps) Visualise ideas, plan projects and manage tasks. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Mobile phones and wifi plans Access a mobile phone for business use. Computers, printing and equipment
My IT account View your account status, track your storage usage and access key services. Accounts, access and security
MySQL database services Open-source database for web applications, e-commerce and content management systems. Databases, servers and hosting
MyUoY (University app) Speed up daily tasks, check your timetable and find your way around campus. Studying and teaching
NVivo Organise, analyse and find insights in unstructured or qualitative data. Scientific computing and data analysis
Online payments Make payments for tuition and accommodation fees. Business and finance systems
Online Store Sell products, short courses or services online. Business and finance systems
Oracle database service A powerful, open source, object-relational database system for registered users. Suitable for moderate to heavy use. Databases, servers and hosting
OrbitNote PDF reader (TextHelp package) View and work with PDFs in an accessible and interactive way. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Origin Secure, stable database used for large-scale enterprise applications like financial systems and data warehousing. Scientific computing and data analysis
Overleaf Collaborate in real time on written documents and publish them to tools such as DropBox, GitHub and Zotero. Research
Padlet Create virtual boards in a variety of formats and collaborate with others. Studying and teaching
Panopto (Replay lecture capture) Lecture capture and video storage. Studying and teaching
Paperpile Manage, cite and share research papers and references. Studying and teaching
Password managers Securely store your usernames and passwords. Accounts, access and security
Passwords Guidance on choosing a password, how to change it and our password policy. Accounts, access and security
People Database Create IT accounts for staff and students (administrators only). Accounts, access and security
Personal images on the web (mugshots) View, change and manage photographs of staff and students at the University. Business and finance systems
Personal web space Create static web pages in a personal web space using HTML, CSS and Javascript. Web publishing and development
Planon (room bookings) Book rooms on campus. Business and finance systems
PostgreSQL database service Recommended for small to medium data requirements and web apps. Open-source, customisable database for web apps, research, and geospatial data, offering features like JSON support and full-text search. Databases, servers and hosting
Print, copy and scan Print, copy and scan at machines across campus and top up your balance online. Computers, printing and equipment
Project management and business analysis support Resources and tools for managing IT projects and analysing business processes. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Computer equipment for staff and departments and purchasing Request and order equipment to enhance your work and research. Computers, printing and equipment
PURE Manage publications, projects, and profiles. Research
Qualtrics (survey tool) An easy-to-use, drag-and-drop interface to create general-purpose research surveys. Research
R and RStudio A programming language and a range of tools to make data manipulation, coding, debugging and workspace management easier. Scientific computing and data analysis
Read&Write (TextHelp package) Offers a range of tools to make reading and working with digital texts easier. Accessibility
Research IT Research IT resources and support, including high-performance computing, data storage and software development. Research
ResearchProfessional Database of research funding opportunities and scholarly publications. Research
Revision and version control Manage changes to files. Storage
SafeZone reporting app Get 24/7 access to the campus safety team and send a geo-located alert if an incident occurs. Accounts, access and security
Salesforce Manage service processes in a cloud-based customer relationship management system. Business and finance systems
Satellite phones A type of mobile phone that connects to orbiting satellites. Computers, printing and equipment
SciVal Analyse and benchmark individual researchers, groups of researchers and institutions based on a variety of different metrics. Research
Short-term laptop loans Borrow a laptop temporarily. Studying and teaching
SigmaPlot Create high quality graphs and conduct scientific data analysis. Scientific computing and data analysis
Single sign-on Move between certain University services without having to enter your details multiple times. Accounts, access and security
SITS and e:Vision SITS is the University's student records system and e:Vision is its web interface, used by both staff and students. Business and finance systems
Skills guides Find interactive tutorials and videos to develop your digital, information-searching and academic skills. Studying and teaching
Slack Communicate with teams using channels, direct messaging and file-sharing. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Software and apps Explore available software for a variety of uses in teaching, learning, research and professional services. Software and apps
SPSS and AMOS Create a variety of statistics, organise outputs and draw models using a drag and drop interface. Scientific computing and data analysis
SSH service Connect to UNIX or Linux computers located on campus when working off campus. Wifi and network
SSL certificates Encrypt internet traffic and verify server identity. Wifi and network
Stata Manage, analyse, and visualise data to enhance your research with advanced statistical tools. Scientific computing and data analysis
Statistical Analysis System (SAS) Conduct advanced analytics, business intelligence, data management and predictive analytics. Scientific computing and data analysis
Student Enquiry Screen (SES) Access information about current students, such as modules, credits and contact details (authorised staff only). Business and finance systems
Systems security review Identifies known vulnerabilities and weaknesses in IT systems run by staff. Accounts, access and security
Tableau (HR's site) Access HR management information with data visualisation curated by HR. Research
Thorium Reader Read various digital book formats such as EPUB, PDF and DAISY. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Timetable Access your timetable. Studying and teaching
Trusted research environment (Data Safe Haven) Store and process sensitive data in a secure environment. Research
Turnitin and Gradescope Assignment submission and feedback tool. Mark and release feedback. Studying and teaching
Unicard replacement Request a replacement for lost or damaged Unicards. Accounts, access and security
Vault Store files that need to be retained but are unlikely to be accessed again. Storage
Viking (high-performance computing) Process complex research data with our high performance computing facility. Research
Virtual desktop for research (VDR) Perform data analysis in a Windows remote environment. Research
Virtual desktop service (VDS) Access to commonly used Windows applications and University filestores securely. Accounts, access and security
Virtual machine hosting Host Linux and Windows Server virtual machines on our highly available cluster of servers. Databases, servers and hosting
Virtual private network (VPN) Securely connect to the University network when you're off campus and access restricted services. Accounts, access and security
Virus and malware protection Keep your device secure and learn what to do if it gets a virus. Accounts, access and security
Web CMS (TerminalFour) Publish content to the main York website. Web publishing and development
Web page access control tool Restrict access to web pages and folders on the York website within the Web Content Management system and other pages. Web publishing and development
Webfiles Host large static files on the web that are not suitable for York web servers. Storage
Wifi Wifi is available across campus and at various offsite locations managed by the University. Wifi and network
Wiki Create and collaborate on pages on our internal web space for staff content. Web publishing and development
Wired network The University's wired network is available across campus and at various offsite locations. Wifi and network
Worktribe Manage research projects, funding, and collaboration. Research
Xerte (e-learning) Design and create interactive, accessible e-learning web pages and materials. Studying and teaching
Yet Another Mail Merge (YAMM) Send personalised bulk emails using Google Sheets and Gmail. Communication, collaboration and productivity
York e-Purchase Create purchase orders for many day-to-day purchasing requirements, with the exception of utilities, travel and expenses. Business and finance systems
YorSearch (library) Interact with the Library's physical and electronic catalogue. Studying and teaching
Zoom Video conferencing tool for meetings, webinars, and online events. Communication, collaboration and productivity
Zoom Phone and desk phones (telephony) Make and receive calls with your own unique telephone number. Wifi and network
ZoomText Supports users with low vision conditions including magnification and screen-reading functions. Accessibility
Zotero Store and organise references, citations and bibliographic information. Studying and teaching