Computer equipment for staff and departments

Request and order IT equipment for your everyday needs and to enhance work and research.

Learn how to make departmental purchases with University suppliers, access University-funded equipment and get support.

Laptops and computers

More equipment and accessories

Printer purchase is covered by a mandatory suppliers' agreement. If you require a new printer, please contact IT Services.

Alternatively, the central print, copy and scan service offers a convenient, cheap and reliable service.

Please contact IT Services before buying a server.

Our virtual machine hosting might be more appropriate.

If a departmental service is required, we'll check that the hardware will run a suitable Windows or Linux install, and check that it can be installed in our data centre.

The following is available from Stone, our mandatory supplier for the University. 

  • Individual PC components and upgrades.
  • PC peripherals, such as monitors not covered by the End-to-End service.

Please contact Stone directly for quotes. Then, follow the instructions in our Requesting new laptops and PCs guidance to place an order via York ePurchase (YEP).



Talk to us to ensure you're buying equipment in line with the University's procurement policy. We can help you choose equipment suitable to your needs, advise what to do if our suppliers don't meet your needs, and facilitate deliveries to campus. Contact us.

Maintenance contracts

Get PC maintenance at a discounted rate through a Higher Education community arrangement with selected third parties. Contact us to find out more.

Recycle old equipment

When acquiring new equipment, please consider the responsible disposal of the items being replaced. The University works with our suppliers to provide recycling and minimise waste.