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Over 270 people work at the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology. 

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Claudio Lourenco

Research Associate

Ellie-Mae Adams

HR Administrator

Reader in Digital Engineering

Research interests:

Next generation of Mobile networks (6G); machine learning in wireless networks; airborne and UAV networks; Digital twins; Internet-of-Things (IoT); self-organizing networks; Blockchain and Smart Contracts.

Dr Sitki Aktas

Visiting researcher

Dr Tareq Al-Shami

Research Software Engineer

Dr Ahmed Al-Tahmeesschi

Research Fellow

Emily Allcorn

Taught Student Administration Manager

Edward Allen

Graduate Intern for Physics and Engineering Outreach

Julio Alves Do Nascimento

Research Software Engineer

108 Helix House

Augusto Martinez Alves

Research Associate in Nanophotonic Sensors

Lecturer in Engineering Management


Research interests:

Laser-assisted nuclear decay spectroscopy (alpha/beta/gamma), radii and shapes of nuclei, radioactive ion beams, non-traditional fission studies.

Mike Angus

Electronics Technician

Richard Armitage

Research Services Manager

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Theory and modelling of photonic devices and subsystems.

Timothy Ayers

Senior Electronics Specialist Manager

Dr Karis Baker

PoLNET3 Project Manager

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Shape evolution and coexistence. Neutrinoless double beta decay.

Senior Lecturer, Deputy Chair of the Board of Studies for the School

Research interests:

Entrepreneurship, Intrapreneurship, Organization culture, Sustainable Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship Education.

Ernest Rutherford Fellowship

Research interests:

Hadron physics, exotic particles (hexaquarks, pentaquarks, hybrids), photon beams, nuclear equation of state, nuclear medicine techniques.

Jonathan Batey

Laboratory Technician - Electronics

Julie Bennett

Student Services Coordinator

Emeritus Professor

Research interests:

Nuclear Physics, specialising in the study of exotic nuclei, gamma-ray spectroscopy techniques and the physics of isospin in nuclei.

Senior Lecturer/Member of Senate

Dr Arka Bokshi

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Dr Julien Bordes

Research Associate in Medical Physics

Professor Ed Boyes

Emeritus Professor

01904 32 8407

York JEOL Nanocentre, Helix House

Dr Jamie Brown

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Experimental Nuclear Physics

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Asteroseismology of A-F type stars. High-resolution spectroscopy of stars.

Dr Edgar Buchanan Berumen

Research Fellow

+44 (0)1904 32 2419

Institute of Safe Autonomy

Professor of Communications

Research interests:

Wireless communications; turbo codes; MIMO; wireless network coding new waveforms.

Matt Bury

Stores Technician

Dr Peter Byrne

Research Software Engineer

Professor Umit Cali

Professor of Digital Engineering for Future Technologies

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)

Research interests:

Magnetoelectrics; Spinwave dynamics; Polarised X-ray spectroscopy.

Andrew Chadwick

Music Studio Manager

Emeritus Professor

Research interests:

Computational and theoretical models of magnetic materials with application to ultrafast magnetism, magnetic information storage, and biomagnetism.

Lennon Chappell

Safety Advisor

Mark Chappell

Electronics Technician


Research interests:

Biomedical Engineering, Medical robotics; Minimally invasive surgery; medical devices; Soft robotics; medical biology, Bioinformatics analysis.

Dr Sidong Chen

Research Associate

Dr Daniel Cheshire

Research Associate

Dr Swarna Chetty

Research Associate

Dr Jessada Chureemart

Honorary Visiting Fellow

Dr Phanwadee Chureemart

Honorary Visiting Fellow

Royal Society University Research Fellow

Research interests:

My research group focuses on pushing electron microscopes beyond their current limits – enabling higher-resolution images, more information-rich data, and quantitative analyses.  This work includes theoretical modelling, computational simulation and experimental development of advanced methods on (scanning) transmission electron microscopes ((S)TEMs).

Donna Cook

Project Manager

Jacob Cooper

Research Technician

Martin Coulton

Senior Lecturer

Dr Sandrine Courtin

Honorary Visiting Professor

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

6G networks; non-orthogonal multiple access; Cell-free massive MIMO, Machine learning-driven wireless networks, Sensing and communications, Communications for AI, Semantic communications, WiFi networks.

Louise Cunningham

Management Accountant

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Magnetically confined fusion plasmas and reactor studies; experimental studies of plasma turbulence; diagnostic development; simulation validation.


+44 (0)1904 322215

MS/207, 2nd Floor Information Centre

Research interests:

Entanglement, quantum computing, quantum thermodynamics, spin transport and dynamics, many-body physics, density functional theory.


Research interests:

Singing science and pedagogy; voice and musical performance analysis and perception.

Tracy Dancer

YO RAN Project Manager

Camilla Danese

Graduate Administrator

Dr Paul Davies

Associate Lecturer in Physics

Chris Dawson

Research Associate

Dr Linda Dawson


Professor Rodrigo De Lamare

Honorary Professor

Miss Ava Dean

Research Software Engineer

Dr Malcolm Dearg

Research Associate


Research interests:

Plasma science and technology; Plasma propulsion; Ion sources.

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Magnetically confined fusion plasmas and reactor studies; computational study of tokamak confinement and small scale instabilities; theory, simulation and software development.

Chair in Theoretical Nuclear Physics

Research interests:

Theoretical description of low-energy properties of nuclei, Nuclear Density Functional Theory, nuclei far from stability, nuclear collective states.

Dr Pin Dong

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Analytical Chemistry

for Biosensors

Dr Alexandra Dudkovskaia

Research Associate in Computational Turbulence

Mr Luke Dummott

Electronics Specialist

Professor Gusz Eiben

Visiting Professor

Lecturer in Robotics and Control

Honorary Professor

Dr Khalil El Hajraoui

SuperSTEM Research Associate

Lecturer in Clinical Engineering

Research interests:

Bionics - developing intelligent, low-cost bionic limbs by studying nature

Digital health - combining patient data with physical laws of the world around us to provide decision support dashboards and tools for healthcare professionals

Mr Mahdi Eskandari

Research Associate

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Magnetic materials and nanodevices, spin dynamics, atomistic modelling, spin transport, ultrafast magnetism, high performance computing.

Emeritus Professor

Research interests:

RF/microwaves; compact atomic clocks; low phase noise oscillators;ultra-fast optoelectronics.

Ms Ella Eyre

Administrator in Fusion Energy Education

01904 326764

GN/005 YPI Admin Office

Zengliang Fang

Research Associate

Ms Shammi Farhana Islam

Research Associate

Dr Adam Featherstone

KEC Fellow - Nuclear Physics

Dr Stuart Fegan

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Chair of Condensed Matter Theory

Research interests:

Theoretical description of quantum criticality and spin-dependent phenomena in 2D Dirac materials and their heterostructures. Development of analytical SO(5) quantum diagrammatic techniques and real-space numerical methodologies for large-scale quantum-mechanical simulations of materials with multi billions of orbitals.

Dr Andrew Firth

Departmental Technical Manager

Mr Jason Flatt

Senior Mechanical Workshop Technician

Karin Fothergill

Exams & Assessment Coordinator

Dr Will Frost

Research Associate

Emeritus Professor

+44 (0)1904 322217

H/202 in Heslington Hall

Professor Pedro Galindo

Honorary Visiting Professor

Miss Tian Gan

Research Associate

Professor Kieran Gibson

Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Integrated Infrastructure) / Professor

Research interests:

Magnetically confined fusion plasmas and reactor studies; experimental divertor physics; diagnostic development.

Dr Cameron Gilroy

Research Support Assistant in Medical Photonics

Professor (Research)

Head of Communication Technologies Research Group

Co-Director of York - Zhejiang Lab for Cognitive Radio and Green Communications

Guest Professor Zhejiang University

Research interests:

Dynamic spectrum access; application of artificial intelligence to wireless systems; 6G communications; vehicular networks; communications from high altitude platforms; non-terrestrial networks.

Chair in Magnetic Confinement Fusion Plasmas


Research interests:

Computational neuroscience; spiking neural networks and neuromorphic computing; neural signal processing.

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)

Research interests:

Carbon-based nano-technologies (graphene), quantum magnetism and physics at the interdisciplinary interface.

Jay Harrison

Postdoctoral Research Associate for XR Network+

Simon Hart

Departmental Computing Officer

EPSRC Research Software Engineering Fellow

Research interests:

Developing software, theory and methods for predictive materials simulations; novel applications of materials modelling.

Ian Helliwell

Dr David Hesp

Technical Specialist

Bob Hide


Deputy Head of School (Teaching)

Research interests:

Matter in extreme conditions, high-pressure materials, high strain-rate material deformation and failure, X-ray laser experiments and large scale atomistic simulation.

Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering

EPSRC Research Software Engineering Fellow

Lecturer in Electrical Engineering

Mark Hough

Chief Technician (Electronic Support)

Dr Jamieson Howard

Research Associate

Single-Molecule Biology and Physics

Leverhulme Trust

Professor of Healthcare Engineering

Bryan Hughes

Student Services Manager

Mr David Hunter

Experimental Officer

Sadie Ibbotson

Student Services Administrator

Dr Koki Imada

EPSRC Theory and Experiment of Neoclassical Tearing Modes in Tokamaks

Steve Jackson

Music Technology Support Technician

Lecturer in Engineering and Management

Research interests:

Engineering Management, Engineering education, Social Enterprise, Innovation and Commercialisation, Strategy Management, Sustainability in Pharma and medical devices companies, and Computational and Mathematical Modelling.

Lecturer in Robotics and Control

Catherine Jardine

Research Facilitator

Mr Paul Jarvis

Electro-Mechanical Technician

EMF Project space


Research interests:

Management of Technology, Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship, Organisational Behaviour,Operations Management.


Research interests:

Exotic nuclei, radiation detector development for societal applications and medical imaging.

Dr Richard John

Technical Specialist

Head of Intelligent Systems and Nano-science Research Group

Research interests:

Molecular diagnostics devices; Healthcare technology; Molecular and biomolecular electronics; Bionanotechnology.

Anna Jones

Head of Faculty Operations School of PET

Dr Pankaj Joshi

Senior Technical Specialist

Dr Rohan Kakade

Associate Lecturer

Dr Stephen Kay

Research Associate


Research interests:

Spatial audio; music technology; immersive and interactive audio systems; audio for virtual and augmented reality.

Mr Glen Kelly

Programme Manager

Senior Research Fellow

Research interests:

Electron microscopy, structure determination and electronic properties of energy and 2D materials.

Dr Adam Kerrigan

Experimental Officer

Dr Matthew Khan

Research Associate in the Physics Modelling of STEP Plasma Scenarios

Dr Soheila Kharratian

Research Associate in Nanophotonic Sensors

Dr Milad Khosravi

Research Assistant


Research interests:

Machine-type intelligence for 6G communications; Distributed AI communications for future connected autonomy; semantic communications.

Dr Vahid Kouh Daragh

Research Fellow

Research interests:

Dr. Vahid Kouh Daragh joined the University of York in November 2023 and is presently serving as a Research Fellow in the School of Physics, Engineering, and Technology. He earned his Ph.D. in Telecommunications and Information Technology Engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy, in 2017. Dr. Kouh Daragh's research interests encompass 5G, 6G, smart city communication networks, machine learning, and Open RAN. He has contributed to numerous publications in esteemed journals and conferences.


Research interests:

Nanophotonics, Silicon Photonics, Optical Biosensors, Metasurfaces, Semiconductor Nanofabrication.


Research interests:

Nanophysics, Nanostructured Biomaterials, Quantitative Electron Microscopy, Magnetic Nanomaterials, Raman Spectroscopy.

Dr Rupesh Kumar


Research interests:

Quantum Technologies.


Research interests:

Nuclear astrophysics.

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Plasma, lasers, Ultra-intense laser plasma interactions, QED, laboratory astrophysics, bright X-ray sources.

Mr Warren Langthorne

Research Support Officer

Research Officer

Research interests:

Conventional and Environmental Electron microscopy, Nanomaterials characterisation and nanoscale phase transformations.

Mr Mark Laughton

Research Services and Teaching Lab Technician

Dr Robert Lawrence

Research Associate

Professor / Director of the Nanocentre

Research interests:

Spintronics, magnetism.


Research interests:

Physics of life; biophysics; biological physics; single-molecule biophysics; optical microscopy.

Katherine Leech

Public Engagement and Schools Outreach Coordinator

Associate Lecturer

Research interests:

Spatially Resolved Nanothermal Transport of Multilayer and Phononic Structures using Scanning Thermal Microscopy

Dr Kezheng Li

Post-doctoral Research Associate

Dr Yifan Liu

Research Software Engineer

Ruth Lowman

YPI and CDT Coordinator

Chair in Experimental Quantum Communications

Co-Director of York Centre for Quantum Technologies (YCQT)

Research interests:

Quantum Technologies.

Mandie Madigan

Student Services Administrator

Rach Madison

Student Wellbeing Officer

Andrew Malcolm-Neale

Research Technician

Mr Joshua Male

Research Associate in Nanobiophotonics

Vuk Malis

Research Associate

Dr Edward Marsden

Honorary Visiting Fellow

Emeritus Professor, Leverhulme Emeritus Fellow

Sam Matthews

Research Trainee

Research interests:

My research focuses on applying research in AI and holographic microscopy to the real-world. We’re developing technology that can be used for rapid identification of certain microbes. This translational work has potential applications in healthcare, quality assurance and quality control, microbial analysis and diagnostics, and detecting life in remote and extraterrestrial environments.

Olivia Mccready

Graduate Intern for Physics and Engineering Outreach

Alex McDonell



Research interests:

Predictive materials modelling for applications in energy, electronics and catalysis.

Chloe McLachlan

Admin Coordinator

Dr Michael McLoughlin

Associate Lecturer

Beth Medley

WRIPA Employability & Placement Officer

Mollie Middleton

HR Administrator

Research Fellow

Jennifer Mitchell

Student Services Support Assistant


Research interests:

Wireless communications; resource management; terrestrial radio systems; underwater acoustic networks.

Dr Andrew Mizumori-Hirst

WRIPA Project Manager

Dr Clement Moissard

Associate Lecturer

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Renewable energy, solar PV, power semiconductor devices, energy storage.

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Laser-plasma acceleration; high field physics at the quantum limit; plasma-nuclear physics; radiation sources for applications.

Professor of Sound and Music Computing

University Research Champion for Creativity

+44 (0)1904 32 3221

GE/101E, Genesis 6, Science Park XR Stories, Guildhall.

Research interests:

Virtual acoustic modelling; auralisation; spatial audio; music technology; XR content; creative industries R&D.

Steve Murphy

Facilities Manager

Safety Officer

Vinod Nagaraja Rao

Research Associate

Director of Teaching and Learning (Engineering)

Research interests:

Sensors, Advanced Materials, Computational Science, Energy, Biomedical Technologies.

Matthew Nicol

Research Associate

Research Officer

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Molecular Modelling; DNA and Proteins.

Lubna Nuhu-soso


Sam O'Neill

Research Associate in High Energy Density Science

Simon Oldfield

Teaching Laboratory Technician

Associate Lecturer

Research interests:

My research focuses on neutron stars as sources of gravitational waves.

Sophie Palmer

Administration Manager

Charanjit Panesar

Clean Room Supervisor

Lucy Parnaby

HR Administrator

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Experimental nuclear physics of exotic nuclei, ionising radiation detectors for fundamental science and societal applications of nuclear physics.

Alejandro Pascual San Roman

Laboratory Technician - Robotic


Research interests:

Inertial Confinement Fusion, Radiation Hydrodynamics, Laser-plasma interactions, shock wave physics, hohlraum physics, Laser Fusion Energy, modelling and experiments.


Research interests:

Handheld diagnostic devices, organ-on-a-chip, bio-sensors, Micro-Nano fabrication, Bionanotechnology, MEMS, Spintronics-MEMS integration, CMOS integrated sensors, Nano-mechanical sensors, opto-electronic devices, semiconductor thin films, PV materials.

Liam Pattinson

Research Software Engineer Associate

Dr Alex Payne-Dwyer

Research Fellow

Biology B/L/0 GE3/005


PGWT Co-ordinator

Reader in Electronics

Royal Academy of Engineering Enterprise Fellow

Research interests:

Biomedical engineering; virtual environments; human vision and locomotion; 3D displays.

Professor of Engineering



Research interests:

Experimental nuclear physics of exotic nuclei.

Matty Popely


Senior Lecturer

Chair, Staff Student Liaison Committee

SWENG project co-ordinator

3rd year project co-ordinator

Research interests:

Computational electromagnetics; antenna design; RF MEMS bioelectromagnetics.

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Robotics and Autonomous Systems

Research interests:

Robotics and mechatronics; autonomous systems; navigation sensing and control.


Research interests:

Nanomaterials, surface science, 2D materials, nanoparticles, organic spintronics.

Lecturer in Audio Systems Engineering


Research interests:

Development of Density Functional Theory software, algorithms and applications, with a focus on predicting the structural/dynamical properties of matter.

Jonathan Procter


Simone Quinn

Administrative Manager

Senior Lecturer in Biophysics

Research interests:

Development of single-molecule fluorescence and advanced optical technologies for probing protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions related to neurodegeneration.

Dr Mostafa Rahmani

Research Associate

01904 328479.

Institute of Safe Autonomy

Dr Christopher Reardon

Experimental Officer

Dr Joe Rees-Jones

Research Technician in Immersive Tech

Dr Salahedin Rehan Sarria

Research Fellow

Dr Matthew Reinke

Honorary Fellow

Mrs Liz Richardson

Student Services Administrator

Mr Bill Richmond

Electro-Mechanical Technician


Research interests:

Kinetic theory of laser-produced plasmas. Simulations of inertial confinement fusion plasmas (ICF) plasmas. Theory and simulation of laser-produced quantum electrodynamic (QED)-plasmas.

Research interests:

Image and video processing; pattern analysis.

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Medical applications of electromagnetic waves; dielectrics; interference; shielding.

Wayne Robinson

Mechanical Workshop Technician

John Rose-Adams

Creative Producer

Dr Paul Rosen

Research Facilitator

Olga Rowe


Finn Russell

Laboratory Assistant (Year in Industry)

Mr Josh Shackleton

Technical Specialist

Miss Lu Shen

Research Associate

Dr Jack Shepherd

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Rachel Shield

Student Services Administrator

Yathin Burugamakalahalli Shivanna

Research Associate

Chris Silk

Research Services Technician

Callum Silver

Research Associate

Helen Smith

Graduate Admissions

Demonstrator Co-ordinator

Karen E Smith

Electronics Technician

Matthew Smith

Research Software Engineer

Head of School

Research interests:

Intelligent medical devices; interpretable “white box” machine learning; biomedical engineering.

Mihaela Sotirova

Project Coordinator YO-RAN


+44 (0)1904 32 2254

MS/215, 2nd Floor Information Centre

Research interests:

Quantum Technologies.

Professor Kevin Steptoe

Honorary Professor

Lecturer in Audio and Music Technology

Kalebh Stewart

Laboratory Technician - Electronics

Dr Aisha Syeda

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Akiko Tabata

Finance Officer

Fred Tahernezhadjavazm

Research Associate

Emeritus Professor

Research interests:

Capillary laser imaging of plasmas.

Dr Ryo Taniuchi

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Emeritus Professor

Research interests:

Surface science, nanomaterials, spintronics, low-energy electron-solid interactions and electron microscopy.

Reader in Intelligent Systems

Research interests:

Bio-inspired hardware; fault tolerance; adaptive and reconfigurable systems; many-core systems and Network-on-Chip.

Sai Teranontamongkol

Audio Systems Engineer & Programmer - KTP Associate

AudioLab Genesis 6

Luke Tetley

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor Research / Professor

Research interests:

Nanothermal transport, spintronics.

Dr Ben Thorpe

Research Software Engineer


Research interests:

Bio-inspired systems and technology; neuromorphic hardware; unconventional computing; computational (nano)materials; fault tolerance; embedded AI/ML.

Professor in Digital Electronics

Research interests:

Evolvable computation; evolutionary robotics; Evolvable hardware; autonomous systems.

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Thin film and fine particle magnetism.

Alex van der Arend

Stores Technician


Research interests:

Fusion, tokamak science, plasma physics, microwave engineering.


Research interests:

Plasma science and technology; plasma chemistry and plasma-surface interactions and modifications for applications in microchip manufacturing and thin-film deposition for the hydrogen economy; development and use of advanced laser and optical diagnostics.

Dr Chris Walker

Associate Member of Staff

Dr Christopher Walker

Research Associate

Chair in Low Temperature Plasma science

Research interests:

Research expertise includes:

Plasma source development: low and radio frequency high voltage sources and nanosecond-pulsed systems.

Passive and active plasma diagnostics: optical emission spectroscopy, laser induced fluorescence and laser scattering (Raman and Thomson).

Plasma applications: microbial disinfection, micropollutant remediation, and food treatment.  

Louise Walsh

Foundation and Undergraduate Records Coordinator

Dr Andrew Walter

Research Associate

James Wang

Apprentice Lab Technician

Tianyuan Wang

Research Trainee

Yi Wang

UKRI Guarantee Doctoral Network Student

Royal Academy of Engineering Fellow, Lecturer

Research interests:

Nanotechnology, 2D materials, Photonics.

Mr Abdulhamed Waraiet

Research Associate

Emeritus Professor

Research interests:

Engineering education; virtual learning; workforce planning; education and enterprise.


Research interests:

Hadron and nuclear physics with intense electromagnetic beams (Jefferson Laboratory, USA). Medical physics (new methods and instrumentation for PET imaging and protontherapy).

Professor Michael Weinert

Honorary Visiting Professor

Katy Welford

CDT Administrator

Andy White

Technical Operations Manager

Dr Herlik Wibowo

Research Associate

Brent Wilkinson

Workshop Manager

Dr Iain Will

Experimental Officer

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Biological physics, holographic microscopy, physics of cell motility.

Professor Alan Winfield

Honorary Professor

Dr Adam Wollman

Visiting researcher


Research interests:

Matter at extreme conditions of density, temperature and irradiance including laboratory astrophysics and fusion plasmas.

Senior Lecturer

Research interests:

Ultrafast magnetism: experimental exploration of ultimate speed of magnetic data process and storage by time-resolved techniques.

Shimeng Wu


Emeritus Professor

Research interests:

Nanotechnology; spintronics; magnetic nanomaterials; nanodevice and nanofabrication.

Dr Hui Xu

Research Associate

Lecturer in Digital Engineering for Future Technologies


Research interests:

Nanophysics and advanced materials; electron vortex beams and novel electron microscopy techniques.

Ernest Rutherford Research Fellow

Research interests:

Hadronic physics, Hyperons and spectroscopy of Hadrons with intense electromagnetic beams.


Research interests:

Signal processing, communications, underwater acoustics, underwater navigation, sonar.

Lecturer in Microengineering

Research interests:

Micro-/nano-technology; intelligent sensors; 2D materials; resonators; energy harvesters; nonlinear dynamics for sensing and computation.

Junbo Zhao

Research Associate


Research interests:

Electric Vehicles; Electrical Machines; Wireless Charging; Artificial Intelligence.

Dr Xu Zhao

Postdoctoral Research Associate (PDRA)

Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Robotics

Research laboratory P/DF/004

Research interests:

Robotics, Imitation Learning/Learning from Demonstrations, Vision-based Contro.