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Research interests:
Interactive media art, interaction design, theory and aesthetics of digital media; affordance, embodiment, memory; sound art, interactive sonification, sound design, listening practices, sonic memories; design of digital music instruments, live electronics and live coding, acousmatic composition, film music.

Jethro Bagust
Research interests:
Music Technology; electroacoustic composition; sound recording; electronic instrument design, practice, performance and improvisation.

Research interests:
British and European art cinema, particularly the films of Terence Davies; intertextuality; literary adaptation; documentary filmmaking

Matt Barnard
Research interests:
Composition and production with spatial audio, especially with ambisonic and binaural methods
The philosophy and aesthetics of spatial listening
Soundscape and electronic composition

Research interests:
Political theatre, particularly Bertolt Brecht, the Berliner Ensemble, Heiner Müller, dialectics on stage, and post-Brechtian performance; Rainer Werner Fassbinder and his work in the theatre; postdramatic theatre; modern German theatre; documentary theatre; theatre documentation.

Research interests:
Feminism and dramaturgy; twenty-first century new playwriting; the contemporary history play; feminist performance analysis; centenary and anniversary commemoration and performance practices; British theatre institutions and their wider socio-cultural contexts. Theatre practitioner specialising in devising and new writing.
Research interests:
Enabling the general public to interact with real-world data through the use of novel interactive technology and visualization techniques. Utilizing interactive technology, data visualizations and games for scientific outreach, digital civics and citizen science.

Research interests:
Communication design for equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI); Participatory and co-creative research methods; Design for sport and marginalised communities; Heritage, identity, and cultural storytelling; Visual methodologies and mapping in design

Research interests:
The main driving force behind my research is the belief that technology, media and music all have an important role to play in society, particularly for improving health, wellbeing and access. I am also extremely fascinated by the power of music to affect how people feel.

Research interests:
Film and television production teaching for single camera location and multi-camera studio work. Covering production methods, skills, techniques and technologies; specialising in cameras, lighting and grip equipment related to feature film, drama, documentary, music promos/commercials, multi-camera studio production and outside broadcast.

Research interests:
Skills and Training in Creative Technologies, Inclusive Education, Virtual Acoustics, Music Performance Analysis, Interactive Sonification, Voice Analysis and Synthesis

Research interests:
Music and Mission; Post/De-Colonialism and Music; Musicology and Archives; British music history outside Britain

Research interests:
The music of Einojuhani Rautavaara; 20th/21st-century Nordic music; Tonality in the late-20th century; Music theory in education; Music and the natural environment

Research interests:
Music management theory and practice; audience studies and research; vocal music and other genres that combine music and text; sociology of music and music as a live experience

Research interests:
Modern British drama, political theatre, documentary and verbatim theatre, acting technique and training, voice and the actor, screen performance.

Research interests:
Digital Art and Culture (historic and contemporary digital arts practices, sensing, environmental impacts, science and technology studies, media archaeology, gaming cultures); Digital Literature and Interactive Storytelling (digital writing and storytelling practices, virtual environments, gaming and simulation). Digital Creativity and Design (generative algorithms, creative coding, web design, speculative and imaginary media).
Professor Xu Changjun

Research interests:
Enabling professional practice through the use of reflective practice, self and peer assessment, the creation of professional identity, experiential learning, research supervision and portfolio based learning.

Dr Jennifer Cohen
Research interests:
Music education, Baroque music, performance practice, timing in performance, embodied music cognition, musicology.

Research interests:
Composition, ancient music, medieval music.

Research interests:
English drama 1580-1737, theatre, film and television comedy, and the development of the theatre in the UK in the second half of the twentieth century until today.

Research interests:
- Music Education
- Musicians’ health and wellbeing
- Music performance

Research interests:
Cultural-historical musicology; opera studies; British music, internationalism and empire; performance histories; music, gender and sexuality; archival research and digital musicologies

Research interests:
Music Education; Contemporary Urban Music: Hip hop; EDM; Grime; House; Music Technology
Research interests:
Professional digital cinematography technologies and industry standards of practice in Film and Television. Film and digital camera production and lighting design. Production workflows for the Cinematographer.

Research interests:
Musicology, Composition: Jazz; improvisation; South African popular music.
Research interests:
Human-computer interaction and interaction design; educational technology and computer-supported collaborative learning; human-centred machine learning; design research.

David Featherstone
Research interests:
Embedded Systems & Electronics

Research interests:
Commissioning practices in new writing for theatre; directive commissioning; playwriting processes; the craft of playwriting; community & applied theatre; play analysis.

Research interests:
Film direction, observational documentary, slow cinema, film-diary; sound-image relationship, ‘cinematic silence’, aesthetics of film sound; Chantal Akerman, Michael Haneke, Andrei Tarkovsky, Michelangelo Antonioni, Agnès Varda and Sergei Parajanov; practice-based research, film authorship.

Research interests:
Scenography; lighting design, in particular the agency of light in performance; phenomenology; aesthetics; contemporary performance practices; dramaturgy; object oriented ontology and applications to performance; forms of storytelling across theatre and performance.
Research interests:
Material appearance; virtual reality; human perception of colour and material; modelling and rendering of facial appearance; appearance transfer methods.

Research interests:
The determining factors of cultural consumption, how consumers apprehend the cultural abundance, and the accessibility of cultural goods, with a focus on classical music concerts.

Research interests:
Music Education: teaching; learning; performance.

Research interests:
Film and Television Production; producing, physical production and post-production. Screenwriting; story and script development. Film and Television distribution; international sales & acquisitions. Film and Television Finance. Art House cinema, French Cinema, and Studio Driven High Concept movies and Family Animation. Interdisciplinary fine art and media works that cross boundaries and create unique audience experiences.
Liam Hardy
Research interests:
Anglo-American television; representations of gender, race, and nation on TV and film; streaming cultures; Hungarian TV and film; transnational/transcultural media flows, particularly those between Eastern European and Anglo-American media cultures.

Research interests:
Nonprofit management and fundraising; interactive media and AI; art market studies; history of fundraising in London's art market (mid 19th c. /early 20th c.)

Research interests:
British cinema history, especially the silent period, and the 1990s/2000s; Film Europe in the 1920s; cinema and the past; national/transnational cinema; Anglia Television and the history of ITV.

Research interests:
- brain-computer music interfacing (BCMI
- altered states of consciousness (ASC)
- auditory entrainment to support meditation practices
- sound design and music for film
- animal rights

Research interests:
Performance: Renaissance and Baroque music; vocal ensembles.

Research interests:

Research interests:
Musicology, Performance: contemporary musical aesthetics and analysis; music and literature; piano accompaniment.

Dr Bethan Jones
Research interests:

Research interests:
Digital media; action cinema; 3D; the representation of space and architecture on film; media archaeology.
Member of the Digital Cultures cluster.

Research interests:
Medieval and early modern British drama, in particular the repertory of and performance by Elizabethan companies on tour; original practices and performance-as-research; the archaeology of medieval and post-medieval buildings; early theatre architectures.

Research interests:
Expanded filmmaking, media arts, multi-sensory environments, psychology of embodied experience, transmedia

Research interests:
Sound performance and sonic interactivity; sonic experience; phenomenology; sound design and storytelling; prototyping and remaking as design methods; history and philosophy of technology; noisemakers and sound effects
Research interests:
Interaction design for games and playful experiences; critical and speculative design; mobile and social play; animal-computer interaction.

Research interests:
Musicology, Performance: contemporary music and experimental music practices; music and embodiment/subjectivity/identity; music and language; Samuel Beckett.

Research interests:
Film and television directing; story-telling; the magic of film; showbiz; creating worlds in the viewer's mind.

Research interests:
Theatre and the posthuman; performing robots; twenty-first century drama; dramatic character; science-fiction theatre; technologies and film in theatre.
Daniel Lock
Research interests:
Extended Reality, Immersive Technology, VR Theatre, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction

Research interests:
Sound Design for Theatre, Film and TV; Accessibility in audio-visual arts; Virtual Acoustics; York Mystery Plays; Digital Heritage.

Research interests:
Contemporary British theatre and performance; the relationship between text and performance; playwriting; adaptation for the stage; ecodramaturgy.
Research interests:
Contemporary British theatre and performance, devised and physical theatre, large-scale community productions, performance and social media.
Cathy Lowe

Research interests:
Sound recording, electronic dance music history, listening studies, music sociology, Dance Music Cultures.

Research interests:
- Musical Analysis of 20th Century and Contemporary Music
- Louis Andriessen, György Ligeti

Research interests:
Film and TV production and postproduction; business of film and television; story and script development; single camera directing; cinematic virtual reality; advanced production and post-production technologies.

Research interests:
Interactive media; user experience; traditional storytelling; knowledge exchange; codesign; ethnography; design methods; community engagement.

Research interests:
Dance Music Cultures, visual and participatory arts, electroacoustic composition, electronic music production, creative practice.

Research interests:
Interdisciplinary cultural production; the relationship between art, film and place; design and media histories; film exhibition and audiences; cultural policy; festivals and biennials; creative practice research; intercultural relations; curating and programming

Research interests:
Music Education: teaching; learning; musicians' health and wellbeing; music psychology.

Research interests:
Music psychology; music and emotion; music science; empathy; quantitative research methods and analysis.
Thelma Osorio Euan
Research interests:
The effect of AI in the Creative Industries, AI in Marketing and Storytelling applications, the role of Women in Film, and Diversity in Film Production.

Research interests:
Music Education; Music-theatre; Opera; Composition

Alan Pedrassoli Chitayat
Research interests:
Applied Machine Learning, Data-driven storytelling, AI in end-to-end solutions, UX, Esports, Data visualisation, AI in and for games, Games development

Research interests:
- Musicians' Health and Wellbeing
- Music Education
- Music Performance
Research interests:
Theatrical performance in the World War II Jewish ghetto at Terezín/Theresienstadt, modern Czech theatre, theories of affect, identity and subjectivity, playwriting, translation and adaptation for the stage.

Research interests:
British, Scottish and New Zealand cinema and culture, with specific interests in the film-making process, the industrial structures and functioning of national cinemas, the art and craft of cinematography and the relationship between cultural expression and the question of the national.

Research interests:
Musicology, Music Education: teaching; learning; analysis; music and temporality.

Research interests:
Critical approaches to staging and unstageability; contemporary performance practice in the UK and Ireland; voice and music in contemporary theatre; autoethnographic approaches to writing about performance; pedagogies of theatre and performance in higher education.

Research interests:
Composition; Live electronics; Improvisation; Sound Art; Music Computing and Interactivity; Music and Artificial Intelligence (AI); Live Coding; Cross-arts Collaboration; Contemporary Music Studies; and Critical/contextual Studies of Digital and Sound Culture.

Research interests:
- Classroom and peripatetic teacher collaborations
- Musicology in the secondary music classroom
- Intergenerational music education
- English Church Music
- Editing

Will Rowan
Research interests:
Computer vision and machine learning applied to virtual production; 3D representations of the human face and body; multi-modal analysis and generation of real and virtual worlds. My work aims to enhance creative expression and innovation in film and television, enabling new possibilities in storytelling, special effects, and immersive experiences.

Research interests:
Workflows and techniques for production and post production. Multi-camera studio techniques and processes. Editing and post production finishing in the storytelling process. Visual effects in theatre and interactive media.
Research interests:
Human-robot interaction, human-computer interaction, interaction design, user-centred design and evaluation methods. Quantitative and qualitative research methods. Acceptance and use of technology by older people. Accessibility, including AI and robotics to help age at home. Universal Design for (e)learning.

Research interests:
4E music cognition (Embodied, Embedded, Extended, Enactive); Psychology of musical creativity; Interdisciplinary musicology; Music performance and education.

Research interests:
Musicology: contemporary and 20th-century opera production; Wagner; critical musicology.
Research interests:
Composition: European modernism; contemporary music; the string quartet.
Research interests:
Composition, Performance: contemporary performance practice; conducting.
Research interests:
Composition, Performance: spectral and microtonal music; live electronics; orchestration.

Research interests:
Digital Disruption; Popular Music; Music Streaming; Valuation Studies; Copyright