The Postgraduate Researcher (PGR) Buddy Scheme connects new PGRs with a PGR buddy. 

Buddies offer a friendly welcome, helping incoming PGRs to get started on their research journey and to get to know the University and the city of York. 

It also offers existing PGRs an opportunity to connect with the community, learn new skills and advance your career.

Starting your PhD at York?

All our PGR buddies are trained to be an ambassador for the University and for excellent research. We cannot guarantee you a match with someone from your department but we will do our best to connect you with a friendly face.

If you would like to be matched with a buddy please complete the application form below by Monday 7 October 2024

Apply for a buddy

Please contact if you require support or have any questions about the scheme.

Want to become a PGR buddy?

We need your help to extend a huge welcome to our new PGRs. We are looking for current (or recently completed) PGRs who can help a new PGR settle in and get a better sense of what doing a PhD at York is like. Buddying can happen online, or if you are able, face to face.

Volunteering to help others can help you find friends, connect with the community, learn new skills, and even advance your career. Helping others can also help protect your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose.

Please apply to be a buddy by Friday 27 September 2024. Contact if you have any questions not answered below 

Apply to become a buddy

Frequently Asked Questions

Purpose: buddying is an informal relationship between a current or recently graduated PGR student and a new PGR, which aims to provide a friendly welcome and to support the individual to settle into the University, particularly when working remotely. You'll be both an ambassador for the university and for excellent research.

Characteristics: buddying is typically a grassroots activity born out of a desire to help new colleagues and PGRs integrate into the culture of the institution and department. It's often short term, focussed on the present. While of course we hope that people make lasting connections as part of the scheme, there isn’t an expectation that this will be a longer-term relationship. 

Outcome: we want all new PGRs to feel like they’re part of York’s research community, and enjoy their time working and living in York. Buddies will support new PGRs to become involved in their research group, department, the York Graduate Research School, the wider University and the city of York. This is just as important for those who are on campus, as those who study with us remotely. To help with this, we'll make a number of resources available to you, including interactive campus maps and virtual cafe hangout space. 

Focus: to support and help new PGRs settle into the University, to signpost information and support offered by the University and introduce them to peer networks where possible. This is particularly critical while you're both working remotely. A Google hangout or facetime chat can make all the difference.

Duration: buddying may last for a few months or longer, for as long as it serves both parties.

Any existing or recently graduated PGR student from York. You'll probably be in the same faculty but not necessarily the department, especially where they are small.

Have an online chat with new PGRS before they start their studies, answer questions, tell them about their department, what they can expect and how they can get involved with activities. Provide a welcome and direct them towards important information. Tell them about the city of York, what goes on, how they can get involved, what they have to look forward to when they get here. Listen to their concerns and questions and signpost them to people in the department who can help them.

Be a coach, counsellor or doctor.

Volunteering can help you find friends, connect with the community, learn new skills and demonstrate to employers and funders that you take civic duty and giving something back seriously. It shows you're a team player with emotional intelligence, empathy and a creative approach to problem solving. These skills and qualities are highly prized by recruiters.

On a personal level, helping others can also help protect your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated and provide a sense of purpose.