Develop your research skills with our programme of workshops, support groups and resources.

The Building Research and Innovation Capacity (BRIC) Team, Library and Archives, IT Services and the Academic Skills Community provide support and advice to help you thrive as an independent researcher. We can help you learn to:

  • communicate your research to specialists and non-specialists;
  • engage with those who can assist, promote and act upon your research;
  • manage your time and resources;
  • take responsibility for the legal and ethical aspects of your research;
  • collaborate and network effectively;
  • demonstrate enthusiasm, integrity and flexibility.

Browse our wide range of training via our Skills Programme or by our Professional Development Themes below. All training sessions are booked via SkillsForge, where you can also browse our upcoming workshops.

York Researcher Development Programme 2024-25 (PDF , 3,047kb)

Watch: Professional Development during your PhD


Getting started

All first year postgraduate researchers must complete a Professional Development Plan (PDP). To help develop your PDP, you should complete a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) to help identify current levels of skills/expertise and areas of development. Your TNA and PDP can be reviewed as part of TAP and supervisory meetings.

PGR professional development plan

Key professional development themes

Peer support

The Academic Skills Community gives you the opportunity to further develop academic skills including academic writing, critical thinking and communication via online resources, skills workshops and one to one appointments. These are specifically designed for advancement of academic, language and communication skills in relation to your goals and aspirations.

Academic Skills Community