You may be able to switch between part-time and full-time attendance at University. 

Speak with your supervisor and discuss the options available to you; not all courses have a part-time option. This decision should not be taken lightly. It is essential that you understand the implications that changing your mode of attendance may have.

Changing your mode of attendance will affect your expected end date and the tuition fees payable for the remainder of your programme. It will alter how you fulfill the University's requirement of a minimum period of registration.

Changing your mode of attendance may also affect your entitlement to financial support, funding, Student visas, accommodation, and Council Tax exemptions. The Student Hub can give you advice on issues such as the implications for tuition fees and accommodation.

Your funding body may place restrictions on whether and how often you can change status. PGR Administration (PGRA) can give you further guidance.

Criteria and conditions

Mode of attendance changes are considered to take place on the same day of the month as your initial start date

  • For example: a PGR who has started on 1 October, could only transfer effective from the 1st day of a given month (similarly, a PGR who has started on 16 September, could only transfer effective from the 16th day of a month).

Mode changes are not possible in the continuation period, as this is a set time frame for all postgraduate researchers (PGRs) regardless of mode of study during their registered period. For most PGRs (including those studying a standard three year PhD) the continuation period is 12 calendar months, for both full and part time PGRs.

If you change your mode at the beginning of the academic year, your tuition fees will be adjusted as appropriate. If you change your mode during any other term, your fees will be calculated proportionally.

Contact for more information.

When applying for a change to your mode of study, you must inform the University of any funding you receive. This may include scholarships, research council studentships, foreign loans, sponsors, etc. It is your responsibility to ensure that changes to your mode of study comply with any rules attached to your funding.

Contact PGR Administration for more information.

If you are changing your mode of attendance to part time, you are not eligible to remain in University accommodation. You must complete a Request to Vacate form and give notice to leave your room.

If you are changing your mode of attendance to full-time you may become eligible for Council Tax exemption. Part-time students are not automatically exempt from Council tax. See our Council Tax information.

Council Tax rules may vary depending on where you live, and can be complex. You should speak to a Student Adviser in the Student Hub or contact your local council.

Students with a Student visa can only study full-time. The Immigration Advice Service can provide you with more information.

How to apply

If you wish to apply for a change to your mode of attendance, you should approach your supervisor to discuss your options. It is your responsibility to take note of any advice given to you during discussions about changing mode of attendance.

If your department agrees to the mode of attendance change, you should then complete the PGR Special Cases 'Change of Plan' request form.

PGR Special Cases 'Change of Plan' request form

We will send an email to your University email address, letting you know if your application has been successful. The email will confirm the start date of your new mode of attendance, and any conditions required.