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Our approach to technology co-development is informed by social science theory and methods and has its roots in critical literature, which stresses the importance of context, history and power relationships. The theories and tools used for equitable technology co-development draw on a variety of fields of research and practice including transdisciplinary research, participatory research, science and technology studies, integration and implementation science, and post-normal science. 

Each project's requirements are different and tools need to be adapted and combined in different ways to achieve the desired project outcomes. Due to the wealth of available methods, working with academics or practitioners that have experience in using participatory tools and facilitating transdisciplinary research is a good way to get started.

The following resources introduce further tools you might draw on in your technology co-development projects:


The Integration and Implementation Insights (i2Insights) is a collection of blog posts about methods, frameworks and theories for researchers addressing complex real-world problems. This includes ‘primer’ series of blog posts that provide an introduction to stakeholder engagements and understanding diversity: 

Eight toolkits for transdisciplinarity (GAIA – Ecological Perspectives in Science and Society journal) is a short leaflet with summaries of existing compilations of methods for transdisciplinary research:

The Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net) toolbox for co-producing knowledge with stakeholders from science and practice lets you search for methods by process phases and key issues:

The UKRI guidance on equitable partnerships when undertaking research and innovation activities in resource-poor settings outside the UK (UK Research and Innovation) contains key principles and external guidance, including on equitable research partnerships: 

The Methods LAB provides a list of digital methods to engage stakeholders:

University of York Initiatives

The University of York’s Guide to Co-production with the Public for Researchers provides guidance on running co-production projects including methodologies, approaches and case studies: This guide is accompanied by a Guide for Co-researchers working on Co-produced Research Projects, which outlines the role of (non-academic) co-researchers: 

Involvement@York is the patient and public involvement (PPI) network at the University of York: 

Selected literature

Contact us

This page was created by Jonathan Ensor (Stockholm Environment Institute, Department of Environment and Geography), Steven Johnson (School of Physics, Engineering and Technology) and Daniel Vorbach (Department of Environment and Geography) based on our experiences with implementing technology co-development projects, interviews with colleagues, and engagement with associated literature. Please contact us with questions, comments or to share information about your co-development projects and methods.
+44 (0)1904 32 4817



Farmer-led innovation brings farmers together with other stakeholders in a collaborative endeavour that recognises multiple forms of expertise. Critical engagement with mainstream models of agricultural science and technology (AST) development has drawn attention to the isolation of farmers as technology adopters within a compartmentalised model of AST development and dissemination. Academic, government and non-governmental actors and organisations are increasingly supporting facilitated processes in which farmers, scientists and engineers develop new knowledge, learning together about the nature of the problems being faced and the potential of different solution pathways.


Despite the centrality of learning to farmer-led innovation, its role has yet to be systematically explored. In response, this paper looks to understand the forms of learning and their contribution to farmer-led innovation during a three-year action-research project involving two groups of farmers from northern England and the Scottish Borders in the UK.


A researcher-facilitator convened a structured process of twenty meetings that together created opportunities for interaction, deliberation and re-framing of problems and solutions among groups of farmers, a university-based engineer, and wider stakeholders. Multiple qualitative methods were used to build understanding of the different farming contexts and to explore the issues the farmers wanted to work on. Meeting transcripts and fieldnotes were subject to thematic analysis, informed by the analytical framework of cognitive, normative and relational learning derived from the social learning literature.


Cognitive, normative and relational learning were found to be mutually interdependent and equally significant, building iteratively rather than linearly: the farmers and engineer assessed new information and reappraised existing situations; they did so informed by and informing a shift in understanding of their goals for new technology; and in so doing they relied on and developed the trust and confidence needed to acknowledge or challenge each other's perspectives. By orientating the group engagement process around the space to explore and challenge histories and contexts of AST, and by drawing on social learning principles to facilitate interaction between the different expertise of farmers and between farmers and engineers, learning emerged that interleaved technology co-design with incremental refinement of the shared norms and values embedded in the process itself.


A focus on learning helps deepen understanding of key mechanisms and processes that define and deliver innovation, and the findings suggest that priorities for farmer-led innovation process design should focus on modalities that open up spaces to negotiate both the purpose and products of innovation.


An overly favorable narrative has developed around the role played by digital technologies in containing Covid-19, which oversimplifies the complexity of technology adoption. This narrative takes sociomaterial arrangements for granted and conceptualizes technology affordance - the problem-solving capability of a technology - as a standard built-in feature that automatically activates during technology deployment, leading to undiversified and predetermined collective benefits. This paper demonstrates that not everything is as it seems; implementing a technology is a necessary but insufficient condition for triggering its potential problem-solving capability. The potential affordance and effects of a technology are mediated by the sociomaterial arrangements that users assemble to connect their goals to the materiality of technological artifacts and socio-organizational context in which technology deployment takes place. To substantiate this argument and illustrate the mediating role of sociomaterial arrangements, we build on sociomateriality and technology affordance theory, and we present the results of a systematic review of Covid-19 literature in which 2187 documents are examined. The review combines text data mining, co-occurrence pattern recognition, and inductive coding, and it focuses on four digital technologies that public authorities have deployed as virus containment measures: infrared temperature-sensing devices; ICT-based surveillance and contact-tracing systems; bioinformatic tools and applications for laboratory testing; and electronic mass communications media. Reporting on our findings, we add nuances to the academic debate on sociomateriality, technology affordance, and the governance of technology in public health crises. In addition, we provide public authorities with practical recommendations on how to strengthen their approach to digital technology deployment for pandemic control.


The concept of technology adoption (along with its companions, diffusion and scaling) is commonly used to design development interventions, to frame impact evaluations and to inform decision-making about new investments in development-oriented agricultural research. However, adoption simplifies and mischaracterises what happens during processes of technological change. In all but the very simplest cases, it is likely to be inadequate to capture the complex reconfiguration of social and technical components of a technological practice or system. We review the insights of a large and expanding literature, from various disciplines, which has deepened understanding of technological change as an intricate and complex sociotechnical reconfiguration, situated in time and space. We explain the problems arising from the inappropriate use of adoption as a framing concept and propose an alternative conceptual framework for understanding and evaluating technological change. The new approach breaks down technology change programmes into four aspects: propositions, encounters, dispositions and responses. We begin to sketch out how this new framework could be operationalised.


Agricultural technologies strengthen and streamline Food Value Chains (FVCs) while improving the lives and livelihoods of smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs. Technologies such as greenhouses, solar food dryers, threshers, grinders, and storage and packaging equipment can help increase the efficiency and sustainability of food value chain activities in emerging economies. However, there are a myriad of technological, infrastructural, and operational challenges that hinder the successful design and sustainable commercialisation or deployment of such products. After over a decade of research, experience, and consultation in the field, we present here an initial taxonomy of potential failure modes during the design, implementation, and maturity phases of agricultural technologies ventures. We argue that consideration of these failure modes early in the design process will assist agricultural technology designers and entrepreneurs in avoiding pitfalls later in the venture lifecycle. Part 1 (of 2) in this article series presents this rationale and development as well as the early, design-phase pitfalls. Together with Part 2 (implementation and maturity failure modes), this taxonomy aims to inform innovators and entrepreneurs seeking to launch successful and sustainable agricultural technology ventures in the developing world.


Can STS offer a response to “alternative facts” without falling back into naive positivism? Can STS help to make science accountable to society and make it work—make it function in our democracies and let it produce scientific knowledge? In his valedictory lecture, Wiebe Bijker looks back upon three decades of STS research in general, and upon engaging STS with questions of democratization and development in particular. He starts from the question how to study technological cultures and ends with the question how to construct them. The argument moves from the social construction of technology to constructing socio-technical worlds. Finally, when trying to understand this construction work, the analysis zooms in on the constructing worlds: on the institutions in which this construction work takes place. 

This paper takes the viewpoint of a social scientist and looks at agricultural scientists' pathways for science impact. Awareness of these pathways is increasingly becoming part and parcel of the professionalism of the agricultural scientist, now that the pressure is on to mobilize smallholders and their productive resources for (global) food security and for reducing persistent rural poverty. Significant new thinking about pathways is emerging and it is useful to present some of this, even if it is not cut-and-dried. This new thinking focuses on innovation, not as the end-of-pipe outcome of development and transfer (or ‘delivery’) of results of research to ‘ultimate users’, but as a process of technical and institutional change at farm and higher system levels that impacts on productivity, sustainability and poverty reduction.
This paper will review technology supply push; farmer-driven innovation; market-propelled or induced innovation based on the agricultural treadmill; participatory technology development; and innovation systems. The pathways reviewed all have their merits; the paper will assess them from the perspective of improving smallholder productivity and livelihoods.
This paper concludes that many agricultural scientists have not developed their thinking about how the fruits of their work can help make the world a better place. This is a flaw in their professionalism. Curriculum development, training, promotion criteria, standards used in refereeing journal articles and research funding could benefit from taking on board understanding of pathways of science-for-impact.


Making innovation happen is central to what many engineers do. However, when we finish our training most of us believe that it is our job to conceptualize designs, develop products and worry little about what happens after they have been introduced. Our courses are generally too practical to bother with theories about how innovation occurs, who it affects and how we might better manage the process. Diesel, inventor of the diesel engine, distinguished between two phases in technological progress: the conception and carrying out of the idea, which is a happy period of creative mental work in which technical challenges are overcome, and the introduction of the innovation, which is a “struggle against stupidity and envy, apathy and evil, secret opposition and open conflict of interests, a horrible period of struggle with man, a martyrdom even if success ensues.”1 Diesel is perhaps overstating the difficulties of managing innovation, but nevertheless as engineers we are still taught to prefer technical “invention” and leave dealing with people and the “innovation” side to others. However, engineers ignore the innovation process at their peril. Enabling innovation means building on peoples’ ingenuity and motivations, rather than working against them. In this paper I describe the learning selection approach to enabling innovation that capitalizes on the complexity of social systems at different scales of analysis. In the first part of the paper I describe the approach and how it can be used to guide the early stages of setting up a “grassroots” innovation process. In the second part of the paper I look at how the learn selection model can be used “top-down” to guide research investments to trigger large-scale systemic change.


The greatest challenge now facing agricultural science is not how to increase production overall but how to enable resource-poor farmers to produce more. With the transfer-of-technology (TOT) model of agricultural research - part of the normal professionalism of agricultural scientists - scientists largely determine research priorities, develop technologies in controlled conditions, and then hand them over to large agricultural extension to transfer to farmers. Although strong interests sustain this model, many now recognise its bad fit with the needs of hundreds of millions of resource-poor farm (RPF) families. In response to this problem, the TOT model has been adapted and extended through multi-disciplinary farming systems research (FSR) and on-farm trials. These responses retain power in the hands of scientists. In contrast, the farmer-first-and-last (FFL) model transfers initiative to farmers, especially RPFs. The authors argue that FFL fits the diverse and complex conditions and needs of RPFs better than TOT, and makes more sparing and cost-effective use of scarce scientists. A parsimonious form of FFL avoids multidisciplinary teams and much data gathering and analysis by trusting farmers' knowledge and self-interest, and encouraging and enabling them to identify priorities for research.

What to explore next

Contact us

This page was created by Jonathan Ensor (Stockholm Environment Institute, Department of Environment and Geography), Steven Johnson (School of Physics, Engineering and Technology) and Daniel Vorbach (Department of Environment and Geography) based on our experiences with implementing technology co-development projects, interviews with colleagues, and engagement with associated literature. Please contact us with questions, comments or to share information about your co-development projects and methods.
+44 (0)1904 32 4817