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The Pi Swarm Robot


Picture of the Pi Swarm Robot

The Pi Swarm robot is a platform developed at the York Robotics Laboratory that is designed to allow low-cost swarms of robots to be assembled for use in research, teaching and outreach.  On these pages you can find resources and documentation for the Pi Swarm robot and videos of it in use.


A Pi Swarm robot comprises three main parts: a Pololu 3-Pi base, a Pi Swarm Extension Board developed at the University of York, and an MBED LPC1768 microcontroller.

The Pololu 3-Pi is available from a number of merchants, including Pololu (US), Active-Robots (UK) and Hobbytronics (UK).  Its retail price is typically around $100 USD or £70 GBP.

The MBED LPC1768 is widely available at most large electronics merchants, including Farnell (UK), and costs around £40 GBP.


The latest version of the Pi Swarm manual can be found here: Pi Swarm Manual (PDF , 2,192kb)


The manual includes schematic diagrams and parts lists for the Pi Swarm Extension Board.

The lightweight simulator written in Python can be found here.


The PCB for the Pi Swarm Expansion Board has been designed in Eagle (version 6.5.0).  The .BRD and .SCH can be found in this archive: Pi Swarm PCB (zip , 739kb)

Design files for the plastic shims (top shim, bottom shim * 2 and tracking hat) can be found in this archive: Pi Swarm Plastics (zip , 4,089kb)


The Pi Swarm robot has been used in the following research projects:


Swarming algorithms with Pi Swarm Robots - Artjoms Rizihs, Computer Science Undergraduate Project

A Platform for investigating interactive and social robotics swarms -



The Pi Swarm Robot - A low cast platform for swarm robotics research and education, In Proceedings of TAROS 2014 (LNCS), J. A. Hilder, R. F. Naylor, A. Rizihs, D. W. Franks and J. Timmis


A Platform for Investigating Interactive and Social Robotic Swarms

Contact us

Professor Andy Tyrrell