Safeguarding of young people under 18 and adults at risk
The Safeguarding Framework details how staff and students can report concerns, suspicions or allegations of harm. If you are concerned that someone is in immediate risk of harm you should contact emergency services on 999 or contact Campus Safety on 01904 32 3333 or via the SafeZone app.
The University of York is legally obliged and committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people under 18 and adults at risk who access its activities or services. These include:
- visits to the campus
- users of the campus nursery
- registered students who are under 18
- children and adults at risk who come onto University premises as part of organised activities (such as visits or summer schools)
- University staff and students engaged in activities off campus, including widening participation activities in local schools and volunteering
- students who, as part of their course, work with or undertake research or placements bringing them into contact with children or adults at risk
We must ensure that reasonable steps to promote and safeguard the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk are taken and that relevant legislation and government guidance are complied with. A number of procedures and guidelines have been established and agreed within the University to work towards ensuring fulfilment of the duty of care towards young people and adults at risk. All members of staff who come into contact with children and adults at risk are in a position of trust and are responsible for being aware of this and act accordingly in ensuring their role in the University’s duty of care is fully carried out.
Report an issue
It is not your responsibility to investigate, make judgement or provide a response to safeguarding matters. If you have a concern, simply follow the safeguarding process for guidance on what to do.
Safeguarding process (PDF , 292kb)
If you need to report an issue, email safeguarding

Help with reporting an issue

While safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, there are people who support staff and student volunteers to report a safeguarding issue. Local Safeguarding Officers are trained safeguarding professionals who volunteer to provide a student and peer support service across the University.