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What's on

lecture theatre panel event

We run a range of events through the year including:

  • Job fairs
  • Employer Q&As
  • Skills sessions
  • Mock assessment centres
  • Information sessions about work experience
  • And more

You can find and book on to all our events via Handshake, our careers platform. There you'll also find external events not organised by us, such as events run by employers and external job fairs. If you want to just browse our events, put 'UoY' in the search box or filter on "Posted by my institution".

Browse events on Handshake

Frequently asked questions

Are your events in-person or virtual?

We run a mix of in-person and virtual events. The majority of our events will be delivered in-person and on campus this year, however some skill sessions or employer events might be virtual via Zoom.

How do I prepare for a virtual event?

These helpful hints and tips will help you think about how you approach and engage with virtual careers events. 

Preparing for the event

  • Start by registering for the event on Handshake and creating a reminder in your calendar so you don’t miss out. If you are later unable to attend the event, please cancel your place in advance on Handshake.  
  • It would be useful to check your audio and video work in advance so you’re confident going into the session. 
  • These events hope to promote a thoughtful discussion, thinking of questions in advance can help you be confident in putting forward your ideas and engaging with the employers and your peers.

Presenting yourself

  • Consider if you are dressed appropriately to meet employers and check your name on Zoom is displayed correctly. 
  • Think about what's visible in your background; you can sit your device on top of a pack of paper or similar to raise the eyeline and ensure your face is within view. 
  • If at home it would be a good idea to notify housemates or put a sign on your door so that you're not disturbed during the session. 

During the event

  • We advise logging on to a virtual event at least five minutes before the start time. 
  • If you know you are going to be late for a session, or have to leave early, the organisers will be grateful to know ahead of time, either through a Handshake message or an email to
  • The employer would love to hear from you during the event and this is a great way to gain confidence and experience in engaging directly with employers. We encourage you to do this by having your camera on throughout the event, turning your microphone on when directed, sending emoticon reactions, or offering thoughts in the chat box.

After the event

At the end of the event, most employers will be more than happy to chat to you. Alternatively, you could message them directly on Handshake, or connect with them on LinkedIn after the event. Make sure you have your camera on to ask any last questions, introduce yourself or simply say thank you.

What careers fairs do you run through the year?

Careers Fairs - Semester 1‌

Our main recruitment events in October where you can connect with top employers to find out about graduate jobs, placement years and summer internships. Further information will be available in semester 1

Global Opportunities Fair - Semester 1

Organised by the Centre for Global Programmes, this fair features opportunities to study, work or volunteer abroad.

  • Global Opportunities Fair - 6 November 2024

Summer Opportunities Fair - Semester 2

Organised by Global Programmes, this fair features opportunities to study, work or volunteer abroad.

  • Summer Opportunities Fair - February, date tbc

Graduate Jobs Fair - Semester 2

Fair with a focus on final year students and postgrads looking for graduate jobs.

  • Graduate Jobs Fair - 6 May 2025

How do I keep up to date with your events?

Follow us on Instagram where we regularly post about our events and other careers-related events happening external to the University. See the Upcoming events list below for events in the next couple of weeks. You'll also receive weekly emails from us about key events and activities you can get involved with. Use your Career Journey to get an overview of big events across the year.

Upcoming events

See below the feed from Handshake for all our events.

Please note, the date in small print is when the event was added to Handshake, NOT the date of the event (which is given in the larger print for each event). Unfortunately, this is an oddity of the system, which cannot be removed. 

Events feed