Tips for wellbeing
Follow these tips to nurture your wellbeing and increase your resilience.
1. Share
Don’t keep things bottled up. Talking about your feelings with friends, family or your college tutor is not a sign of weakness but of taking charge of your own wellbeing.
Help and support TalkCampus Advice A-Z: Loneliness
2. Balance studying with other activities
Participate in societies and clubs, follow your passions and keep up your hobbies. You need a break from your studies.
University of York Students' Union events calendarStudent events
3. Accept who you are
You are unique, don’t compare yourself to other people. Each person is on a different journey and following their own path.
Advice A-Z: Academic pressuresAdvice A-Z: PerfectionismAdvice A-Z: Low self-esteemAdvice A-Z: Neurodiversity
4. Give to others
Helping others makes you feel better about yourself, even something as small as a smile, a thank you or a kind word. Take a look at volunteering opportunities in York.
University-led volunteeringUniversity of York Students' Union volunteeringVolunteering in York
5. Keep in touch with family and friends
You will make lots of new friends but it is important to keep contact with people who care about you and know you well.
A-Z Advice: Adjusting to university lifeA-Z Advice: Homesickness
6. Get active
Regular exercise can boost your self-esteem, help you concentrate and improve your sleep. Walk, cycle, dance or try something completely new. It’s a great way to make new friends too.
Sport and fitnessSports and physical activity with the University of York Students' Union
7. Eat healthily
There are strong links between what we eat and how we feel. Eat regular meals and make sure you get some fruit and veg in every day.
Eight Tips for Healthy Eating (NHS)
8. Drink responsibly
Too much alcohol too often can affect your mental health and increase anxiety, stress and depression.
Advice A -Z: Alcohol and Drugs
9. Sleep well
Sleep is important to your physical and mental health. Sleep improves memory and concentration, reduces stress and anxiety. If you are 18 to 25 years old, you need between seven and nine hours of sleep each night.
10. Unplug
Switch off phones and social media for a short time each day. A change of scene is good for mental health. Go for a walk, sit, think and breathe.
Mindfulness can help us to become more aware of the present moment. Watch our introduction videos created by the Open Door Team and Disability Services:
Self-help apps
- Forest app (for focus on revision)
- Self-help Anxiety Management app
- Stop Panic and Anxiety app
- Stay Alive app - Google Play (suicide prevention resource)
- Stay Alive app - iTunes (suicide prevention resource)

We can help
Explore our Advice A-Z, try our workshops and groups, but if you need more help and support – ask for it.