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LGBTQ+ Listening Exercise

Posted on 19 April 2023

How does it really feel for LGBTQ+ staff and students to work and study at the University of York currently?

We want to create a working, learning, social, and living environment which is safe, inclusive, and welcoming for LGBTQ+ staff and students, free from all forms of harassment and bullying.

We want to know what matters to you.

Join us on Wednesday 26 April 2023, for the first in a series of ongoing conversations with current staff and students about how we can improve LGBTQ+ experience at York.

The University’s Rainbow Alliance has collaborated with the EDI Office, EDI Exchange, YUSU, and the GSA to facilitate this listening exercise with our LGBTQ+ community where there will be plenty of opportunities to have your say and connect with fellow staff and students, as well as having lunch and refreshments provided.

Book your free ticket

Future events

If you can't make it in person, an online version will be available. Sign up to an email alert for the online version.

These events are just the start of an ongoing dialogue between LGBTQ+ staff and students. There will be regular get-togethers for peer support and continued conversations on improving the LGBTQ+ experience at the University.

On Tuesday the 6 June, when we raise the Progress Pride flag on campus and celebrate our LGBTQ+ community at York, the findings of the listening exercise will shape a series of workshops allowing us to explore the themes that arise in more depth.