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The Face Race and challenging corporate power

Posted on 19 January 2018

Find out something new at our free Open Lectures - everyone welcome.

From Face/Off to the Face Race: An emotional history of the face transplant 
Monday 22 January
More than forty face transplants have taken place around the world since 2005. Dr Alberti explores the emotional history and ethics of face transplants, raising questions about gender, facial politics, and the limits of medical science

Iby Knill: My story
Monday 22 January
Holocaust Survivor Iby Knill talks about her experiences during World War II

Tuesday 23 January
This lecture will analyse the historical development of legal categories that apply to corporations as a series of 'exceptional measures' in law that provide corporations with the capacity to commit crime with impunity

Want to plan further ahead? See our full events listing for this term.

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