University of York 3MT 2018
Our ten finalists for the 2018 University of York 3MT (Three Minute Thesis) competition delivered captivating and inspiring research presentations.
Pitching their research against the clock to communicate the impact of their research, these fantastic presentations showcased the strengths of postgraduate research at York.
Related links
- Research Excellence Training Team
Results from other years:
1st prize: Jamie Khoo (Centre for Women's Studies), "But is she pretty? How women respond to beauty ideals"
2nd prize: Giampaolo Pitruzzello (Physics), "Antimicrobial resistance: will bacteria beat humans?"
3rd prize: Stephen Thorpe (Biology), "Electrophotonics: The swiss army knife of diagnostics"
People’s Choice: Nicola Farthing, (Mathematics and Physics), "Slime and lasers: when biology and physics mix"

Professor Tom Stoneham, Nicola Farthing, Giampaolo Pitruzzello, Jamie Khoo, Stephen Thorpe, Greg Dyke
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View the presentations either individually or as a playlist on YouTube.
Mickey Conn
Department of Social Policy and Social Work
"In-work subsidies: who benefits?"
Robin Brabham
Department of Chemistry
"Palladium-unleashed Proteins: Towards the drugs of the future"
Nicola Farthing
Departments of Mathematics and Physics
"Slime and lasers: when biology and physics mix"
Katie Pybus
Department of Health Sciences
"Can you turn on a light switch?"
Sarah Masefield
Department of Health Sciences
"The hidden health of mothers of preschool disabled children"
Christine Jackson-Taylor
Department of Sociology
"Will God still love me if I’m gay?"
Giampaolo Pitruzzello
Department of Physics
"Antimicrobial resistance: will bacteria beat humans?"
Jamie Khoo
Centre for Women's Studies
"But is she pretty? How women respond to beauty ideals"
Marina Noelia Cantarutti
Department of Language and Linguistics
"When two become one... in conversation"
Stephen Thorpe
Department of Biology
"Electrophotonics: The swiss army knife of diagnostics"
With special thanks to the panel of judges:
Professor Ama de Graft Aikins - Dean of International Programmes and Professor of Social Psychology - University of Ghana
Saffron Townsend, Senior Policy Manager - Public Engagement with Research - UKRI
Philip Carpenter - Advisor and Board/Council Member - Publishing and Higher Education
Jet Sanders (2017 3MT winner) - Department of Psychology - University of York
Professor Tom Stoneham - Dean of the York Graduate Research School - Universty of York
Dr Karen Clegg - Director of the Research Excellence Training Team - University of York (Chair)
Related links
- Research Excellence Training Team
Results from other years: