University Executive Board
The University Executive Board (UEB) acts as the University’s executive leadership team.
As part of its governance role, Council delegates decision-making responsibility to the Vice-Chancellor and UEB.
Led by the Vice-Chancellor, UEB oversees the delivery of our University vision and strategy and ensures there is effective leadership, management and co-ordination of all our major academic and Professional Services activities.
Its responsibilities include resources (for example, people, finance, technology and estates), organisation (for example, structures, policies and decision making) and services (for example systems, projects and service delivery).
UEB monitors and interprets external events, for example financial or political developments, to understand any likely impact on the University. It supplies Council and its committees with executive reports, draft budgets and accounts, key performance indicators, benchmarking information on capital investment and reports on risk management.
Contact us
For Board enquiries: Richard Harrison
Deputy Secretary
For agendas and papers: Gill Gibbins
Governance and Regulation Officer
+44 (0)1904 322080
For Think Tank meetings: Becky Christou
Senior Executive Officer to the Vice-Chancellor
Meet the Board
UEB members include the Vice-Chancellor and President, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost, the Pro-Vice-Chancellors, the Deans of Faculties, the Chief Operating Officer and key members of Professional Services.
Professor Charlie Jeffery
Vice-Chancellor and President
Professor Ken Badcock
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost
Nigel Alcock
Chief Financial Operating Officer
Joan Concannon
Director of External Relations
Professor Andy Dougill
Dean of the Faculty of Sciences
Professor Ambrose Field
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Global Strategy)
Professor Tracy Lightfoot
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching, Learning and Students)
Professor Duncan Petrie
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Professor Karen Rowlingson
Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences
Professor Matthias Ruth
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Professor Kiran Trehan
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise, Partnerships and Engagement)
Declarations of interest
- View the UEB Members declaration of interest 1.8.23 - 31.7.24 (PDF , 180kb) for the period 1 August 2023 to 31 July 2024.
UEB's subcommittees (view organogram) support the Board and consider and deliver more detailed work on executive, support and resource matters.
Budget Monitoring Group
Contact us
For Board enquiries: Richard Harrison
Deputy Secretary
For agendas and papers: Gill Gibbins
Governance and Regulation Officer
+44 (0)1904 322080
For Think Tank meetings: Becky Christou
Senior Executive Officer to the Vice-Chancellor