Professor Charlie Jeffery is the Vice-Chancellor and President


The Vice-Chancellor:

  • is the chief executive and academic officer of the University
  • is accountable to Council for delivery of the University strategy and overall management of the University
  • chairs Senate and leads the University Executive Board
  • represents the University with external partners, locally, regionally, nationally and internationally. 

Contact us

Charlie Jeffery

Iwona Lever
PA to the Vice-Chancellor
+44 (0)1904 322009

A vision for an extraordinary University

In his inaugural speech, Charlie vowed to put sustainability, widening participation, internationalism and inclusive regional economic growth at the heart of his vision for York. 

He said the University‘s founding principles, which included international ambition, civic roots and strength of community, still resonate strongly today.

“The choices we make need to have an anchorage in the strong principles that animate this University.

“In particular, our commitment to public good, sharpened by our concern about inequality; our tradition of widening participation; a purposeful internationalism which pushes the pursuit of public good beyond national boundaries; that mix of support from, and commitment to, city and region; and the strength of shared purpose that comes from caring about inclusiveness.”

About Charlie Jeffery

Charlie became Vice-Chancellor and President at the University of York in September 2019. He joined us from the University of Edinburgh where he had been Senior Vice-Principal since 2014. He was a Member of Council of the Economic and Social Research Council from 2006-12 and Chair of the Political Studies Association of the UK from 2009-12.

He has a deep-rooted interest in how university research and education can serve the general benefit of society, or public good. In Edinburgh and now in York he has worked to bring together the University with local authorities, businesses, other universities and colleges to promote inclusive economic development, and to open up access to university study and economic opportunity to people from disadvantaged backgrounds - both in the UK and internationally.

Charlie is committed to sustainability, in particular, harnessing the expertise and passion of the university sector to respond to the climate crisis.

Charlie is Chair of the N8 Research Partnership (a collaboration of the eight most research intensive universities in the North of England), a member of the Partnership Board of key organisations in the City of York, the York Central Steering Board, and the Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board. He lives in York with his family.


Below are the travel and expenses for the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Charlie Jeffery, for the period August 2020 until July 2021.

Charlie Jeffery Expenses August 2020 - July 2021 (PDF , 512kb)

Below are the travel costs and expenses for the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Charlie Jeffery, for the period September 2021 to July 2022.

Charlie Jeffery Expenses Aug 21 - Jul 22 (PDF , 569kb)


Below are the travel costs and expenses for the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Charlie Jeffery, for the period September 2022 to July 2023.

Charlie Jeffery Expenses Aug 22 - Jul 23 (PDF , 607kb)


Find out more

Contact us

Charlie Jeffery

Iwona Lever
PA to the Vice-Chancellor
+44 (0)1904 322009