Professional Services Executive Board

Professional Services Executive Board (PSEB) reports to University Executive Board (UEB). 

Terms of reference

Objectives and outcomes

PSEB is the Professional Services senior leadership decision making and advisory body.

It has delegated responsibility from UEB to take key decisions on the strategic direction of Professional Services.

PSEB’s role is to ensure Professional Services departments deliver the public good purpose of the University through service excellence. PSEB also oversees financial and other resourcing across Professional Services and is responsible for achieving financial targets set by UEB, resilience and major risk and assurance matters.

Contact us

Chair: Joss Ivory
Chief Operating Officer
+44 (0)1904 324862

For agendas and papers: Kathryn Hague
Executive Officer
+44 (0)1904 321122

The remit of the PSEB under the following core, agenda-aligned headings is:

(a) Strategic development, planning, performance monitoring and resourcing: items for consideration and/or decision

Strategy and projects 

  1. To develop and recommend for UEB approval those elements of the University Strategy, and wider strategies and strategic initiatives and projects shaped and delivered by the Professional Services (PS);
  2. To approve and review a framework of PS risks and Performance Indicators (PIs) stemming from the Corporate Risks and Strategic KPIs;
  3. To approve major PS sponsored projects, and monitor progress against their delivery and advise on/resolve matters requiring the Board’s intervention;
  4. To facilitate collaboration across, and monitor PS contributions to all University strategies and projects, to maximise efficiency and impact.


  1. To approve staffing investment plans for the Professional Services in the context of the agreed budget and five-year forecast framework;
  2. To review and approve planned or in-year additional resource requests from Professional Services leads that impact on agreed plans/resources and prioritise resource allocation; 
  3. To approve the agreed budgetary allocation to, and across, Professional Services Departments to ensure delivery of the Professional Services overall financial targets;
  4. To approve Professional Services organisational changes and restructuring within and across departments to deliver efficient resource models across Professional Services to meet the five-year forecast. 


  1.  To ensure health, safety and welfare, staff engagement, EDI and sustainability considerations are designed into all aspects of PS decision making and discussions, in liaison with other UEB bodies.

(b) Policy and regulatory matters

  1. To approve a Professional Services Risk Register (or be the hub for endorsing Professional Services departmental risk registers), delegating detailed risk management to the PSEB members; 
  2. To approve major policies owned, developed and enforced by Professional Services Departments which do not require approval by UEB or other UEB sub-groups and bodies;
  3. To promote compliance with University Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and policies to enable the Professional Services to contribute to University-level governance and assurance;
  4. To provide advice and approve means to ensure the enforcement or delivery of policy owned by Professional Services departments, including where referred to it to by other UEB sub-groups and Professional Services executive member sponsors;
  5. To monitor, advise and take decisions on responses and resources to address findings and actions from internal audit and a range of external inspection and regulatory exercises;
  6. To approve (in conjunction with the University Secretary) a delegation framework for decision-making within the Professional Services departments.


PSEB reports into UEB via Joss Ivory, the Chief Operating Officer, who is a Board member, and through the reporting mechanisms listed in the reporting and frequency section. 

PSEB has budgetary control and decision-making authority as set down in these terms of reference and related policy and documentation, including the Scheme of Delegated Authority (SoDA).

Reporting to UEB

PSEB does not report to UEB following each meeting, but will do so as follows;

  • Frequently: on a quarterly basis through summaries of the business of PSEs to UEB (aggregating key decisions and salient points of information).
  • Ad hoc: where urgent University-wide matters pertaining to the PS departments require direct escalation to UEB for decision or discussion, the COO and other means of the PSEB are accountable for doing so, having consulted with other relevant UEB members. 

Reporting to PSEB

PSEB and HoPS are empowered to establish task and finish and working groups to respond to requirements of initiatives impacting Professional Services departments. The actions of any groups should be reported to PSEB on a timely basis. 

Information reporting from/referral between PSEB and other bodies

PSEB maintains indirect reporting and referral relationships with a range of bodies of UEB, including Capital, Enterprise Systems and Infrastructure Strategy (CESIS) Board in relation to capital and digital infrastructure planning, and Risk Review Group (RRG), Faculty Executive Boards (FOB) and Faculty Operations Groups (FoG).

  • Dr Joss Ivory, Chief Operating Officer (Chair)
  • Natalie Armstrong, Head of Faculty Operations (Sciences)
  • Tom Banham, Interim Academic Registrar
  • Tyrrell Basson, IT Director
  • Nirmal Borkhataria, Interim Finance Director
  • Joan Concannon, Director of External Relations
  • Simon Donoghue, Director of Strategic Planning and Performance
  • Harvey Dowdy, Director of Technology, Estates and Facilities (DTEF)
  • Jamie Holliday, Head of Faculty Operations (Social Sciences)
  • Justine Daniels, Director of Research, Innovation and Knowledge Exchange (RIKE)
  • Wayne Keating, Head of Faculty Operations (Arts and Humanities)
  • Rachael Millhouse, Director of HR

In attendance

  • Kathryn Hague, Executive Officer to the Chief Operating Officer (Secretary)

Meeting dates 2023-24

Date Time
Tuesday 17 October  
Tuesday 21 November  
Tuesday 19 December  
Tuesday 16 January  
Tuesday 20 February  
Tuesday 12 March  
Tuesday 16 April  
Tuesday 21 May  
Tuesday 18 June  
Tuesday 16 July  
Tuesday 20 August  
Tuesday 17 September  


Meeting dates 2024-25

Date Time
Wednesday 18 September 2024 10.00am to 12.00pm
Wednesday 16 October 2024 10.00am to 12.00pm
Tuesday 19 November 2024 3.00pm to 5.00pm
Tuesday 17 December 2024 10.00am to 12.00pm
Tuesday 14 January 2025 3.00pm to 5.00pm
Wednesday 19 February 2025 10.00am to 12.00pm
Thursday 13 March 2025 10.00am to 12.00pm
Wednesday 16 April 2025 10.00am to 12.00pm
Tuesday 20 May 2025 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Wednesday 18 June 2025 10.00am to 12.00pm
Tuesday 15 July 2025 3.00pm to 5.00pm


Meeting frequency

PSEB will meet once per month, with variations as required.

Meeting modes

Meetings will be held either in-person, online or via a hybrid format, subject to agreement by members.

Parent committee

Contact us

Chair: Joss Ivory
Chief Operating Officer
+44 (0)1904 324862

For agendas and papers: Kathryn Hague
Executive Officer
+44 (0)1904 321122