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Case studies

We've seen promising results from energy-saving strategies tailored to specific buildings or departments. These successes will serve as valuable learning experiences, guiding us as we continue to roll out and replicate further energy-saving initiatives across campus.

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Flexible building usage

Recognising the potential for significant energy savings during periods of reduced activity, we are trialling holiday period closures where feasible.

Church Lane Building

Addressing energy consumption challenges at Church Lane, leveraging data to optimise operations, resulting in significant energy savings and enhanced sustainability.

Computer Science Building

An investigation into potential inefficiencies and water leaks in the Computer Science building resulted in significant cost savings.

Law and Sociology Building

Implementation of a proactive strategy to reduce energy consumption in the Law and Sociology building, resulting in a significant decrease in normal evening baseload.

Energy Efficiency Review in the Biology Department

A review into the Biology department to identify and implement coordinated strategies to reduce energy consumption and associated cost.

LED Lighting Project - Emphasising Carbon Savings

Enhancing energy efficiency and reducing carbon emissions across several buildings on campus: currently Biology L, Biology M, Biology Q, and Harry Fairhurst.