Stopping or pausing your study

Taking a leave of absence, withdrawing from your course or changing to less than half-time study.

If you withdraw from studies, suspend your studies for more than 180 days, or drop below half-time study you will become ineligible for Direct Loans. You should contact Student Financial Support as soon as you can - do not wait until the change in your enrolment status is confirmed.

We, and you, may be required to return some of your loan funds. Full information is available in our Return to Title IV Policy:

Leave of absence

You need to consult with an Immigration Adviser and inform Student Financial Support before taking a leave of absence.

Leaves of absence less that 180 days (PGR students only)

You will not be able to receive any Direct Loan funds while on a leave of absence which has been approved by the American Department of Education.

All other leaves of absences

Any PGT student absences, or PGR student absences over 180 days

Unless you're a PhD student on a leave of absence of less than 180 days, you'll be considered to have withdrawn for Direct Loan and repayment purposes. A return of funds calculation may be necessary.


You must consult with an Immigration Adviser before making the decision to withdraw.

Contact Student Financial Support as soon as possible if you are planning to completely withdraw from your programme, preferably before the decision is finalised. A return of funds calculation may be necessary.

Early submittal

If you intend to submit your thesis before the end of the academic year, it may mean you cannot receive any outstanding disbursements for the year, and may mean part of your last disbursement will need to be returned. Please contact Student Financial Support before doing so.

Once you've submitted your thesis, your student status will change and your eligibility for loans will end. If your loan ends before all of your University fees are paid then you'll be personally responsible for the balance.