Studying outside the UK

You need to contact Student Financial Support before planning any study‐related travel outside the UK.

Coronavirus (Covid-19) update

There is a limited exemption under the CARES Act to the rules surrounding study or placement abroad, which allows students to study abroad or online during the Covid-19 pandemic emergency without losing eligibility for US Direct Loans. This exemption ends in June 2023.

Study abroad outside of the USA

If your course includes a period of study at an academic institution outside the UK, you may still be eligible for federal loans. Your time abroad must:

  • not be more than 25 per cent of the total length of your course
  • be at an academic institution that has a written arrangement in place with the University of York. The institution does not have to be approved to participate in the Federal Aid (Title IV) Programme.

If your study abroad does not fulfil the above criteria you cannot receive loans for your time away

Study abroad within the USA

If your course includes study at an academic institution in the United States of America, your time abroad must:

  • be no more than 25 per cent of the total length of your course
  • be at an approved academic institution participating in the Federal Aid (Title IV) Programme.
  • be at an institution that has a written arrangement in place with the University of York. You must ensure this is in place.

If your study in the USA does not fulfil the above criteria you will lose eligibility for Federal Aid for the time whole of your course.

Research in the USA during writing up period of PhD

You can do independent research in the United States for no longer than one academic year if it's conducted during the dissertation phase of a doctoral program under the guidance of faculty and the research can only be performed in the USA. This is the only exception to the rules regarding study abroad in the USA outlined above.

Internships and placements

Internships and placements that are part of your course (ie one you are required to or have the option to participate in) and are provided by an organisation other than the University of York must:

  • have a written arrangement in place with the University of York
  • be monitored by an accrediting or government agency or its supervision is transferred to York and monitored by qualified University of York personnel.

You cannot receive loans for non-academic placements outside the UK, even if you have academic approval to spend time abroad.