Occurrence | Teaching period |
A | Semester 2 2024-25 |
This module aims to develop the depth and breadth of students’ knowledge and understanding of theoretical and methodological debates in business and management studies. It aims to do this through lectures focusing on cutting-edge research in business and management. Lectures will focus on how specific studies advance our understanding of business and management. They will also incorporate the process through which these contributions to knowledge were made – how study authors planned, conducted and published their work. The aim is to develop students’ appreciation of what is state of the art within the field, how this research was conducted and published.
On completion of this module student will:
Understand the dynamics of the research process and the production of knowledge
Have an improved understanding of the paradigmatic norms and expectations associated with different modes of research
Be better able to critically evaluate the different fields and sub-field within business and management research.
Have an improved knowledge and understanding of contemporary business and management research, including on-going debates and areas of new research.
Develop an understanding of the publication and review process.
Be able construct a convincing arguments in relation their own research topic and research field.
The precise ‘issues’ to be taught in this module will vary in line with advances within the field.
However, indicative content likely to be incorporated each year will include:
Reflections on the research process by experts in their respective fields
Framing articles and writing contributions (what debates exist and how to extend them)
Presenting and discussing findings (the challenges of presenting cutting-edge empirical data and discussing their implications)
Responding to editors and reviewers (addressing concerns and engaging others during the peer-review process)
Task | % of module mark |
Essay/coursework | 100 |
Task | % of module mark |
Essay/coursework | 100 |
A comprehensive module assessment report is released to students after the summer term exam board.
Specific readings will be given for each lecture topic, and will be contingent on what is state of the art in the year the module runs.