Thermodynamics & Fluid Dynamics - ELE00046I

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  • Department: Electronic Engineering
  • Credit value: 20 credits
  • Credit level: I
  • Academic year of delivery: 2023-24

Module summary

This module provides an introduction to the flow of fluids (fluid dynamics) and the flow of energy (thermodynamics), both fundamental concepts to a wide range of engineering systems. The subject will be introduced through a combination of lectures and laboratory classes and supported by real world engineering examples.

Module will run

Occurrence Teaching period
A Semester 2 2023-24

Module aims

Subject content aims:

  • To equip students with the skills to confidently apply the first and second laws of thermodynamics

  • To provide the analytical skills to analyse the flow of incompressible fluids

  • To develop a fundamental understanding of fluid and thermodynamics and apply these to real world engineering systems.

  • To reinforce learning through laboratory investigations

Graduate skills aims:

  • To develop skills in basic numeric and algebraic techniques

  • To instil professional laboratory working practice

Module learning outcomes

Subject content learning outcomes

After successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • Describe the basic physical concepts that underpin thermodynamics, including energy, work, heat transfer and the conservation of mass and energy

  • Describe the first and second laws of thermodynamics

  • Apply the laws of thermodynamics to a range of real world applications, including compressors, heat exchangers, heat engines, and refrigerators.

  • Describe the basic physics concepts that underpin fluid dynamics, including pressure, hydrostatics, buoyancy, viscosity, and laminar and turbulent flow

  • Solve problems using dimensional analysis in the study of fluid mechanics.

  • Introduce mechanics of fluid flow in spatially constrained systems.

  • Appreciate the fundamental concepts of fluid flow around a body, including boundary layers, lift and drag

Graduate skills learning outcomes

After successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

  • State basic technical concepts concisely and accurately

  • Apply a range of commonly ­encountered mathematical techniques to given problems

  • Plan and manage their time in a laboratory setting

Module content

Professional Practice embedded into this module:

  • Health and Safety

  • Laboratory Practice

  • Written communication skills

  • Personal and Group Skills

  • Design for Manufacturability (understanding of tolerances, material limitations)

  • Engineering standards and Regulation

Indicative assessment

Task % of module mark
Closed/in-person Exam (Centrally scheduled) 70
Essay/coursework 30

Special assessment rules


Indicative reassessment

Task % of module mark
Closed/in-person Exam (Centrally scheduled) 100

Module feedback

'Feedback’ at a university level can be understood as any part of the learning process which is designed to guide your progress through your degree programme. We aim to help you reflect on your own learning and help you feel more clear about your progress through clarifying what is expected of you in both formative and summative assessments. A comprehensive guide to feedback and to forms of feedback is available in the Guide to Assessment Standards, Marking and Feedback.

The School of PET aims to provide some form of feedback on all formative and summative assessments that are carried out during the degree programme. In general, feedback on any written work/assignments undertaken will be sufficient so as to indicate the nature of the changes needed in order to improve the work. The School will endeavour to return all exam feedback within the timescale set out in the University's Policy on Assessment Feedback Turnaround Time. The School would normally expect to adhere to the times given, however, it is possible that exceptional circumstances may delay feedback. The School will endeavour to keep such delays to a minimum. Please note that any marks released are subject to ratification by the Board of Examiners and Senate. Meetings at the start/end of each term provide you with an opportunity to discuss and reflect with your supervisor on your overall performance to date.

Indicative reading

Applied Thermodynamics by T.D. Eastop, A. McConkey

Fluid Mechanics by M. Widden