Open lectures: Semester 2 - 2024-25
Every semester, the University organises free open lectures on a wide variety of topics and aimed at a general audience.
Most require tickets (available on individual event pages) but some do not. Look for the 'Book tickets' button on the web page.
Upcoming events
Past events
The Autonomous Robot Evolution Project
Humans have long been designing and constructing robots, but could a robot create other robots to cope with unfamiliar environments? Join Dr Edgar Buchanan Beruman to explore the exciting Autonomous Robot Evolution project.
Mapping Clothing, Sizing Land: The intertwined history of fashion and cartography, 1340–1940
Fashion and cartography, rooted in practical geometry, shaped national identities and shared overlapping influences, explored through Dior’s legacy.
Small Modular Reactors (SMR)
Dr Rob Harvey, Head of Production Systems at Rolls-Royce SMR Ltd will describe this vision to provide clean, affordable energy for all.