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Over 110 people work in the Department of Mathematics.
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- Honorary doctorates

Research interests:
- Mathematical physics
- Variational theory and its applications

Research interests:
- Quantum field theory
- Gravitation
- Relativistic quantum information
Research interests:
- Algebraic groups
- Representation theory
- Geometric invariant theory
- Random walks on algebraic structures

Research interests:
- Biological fluid dynamics: active media, bioconvection and biofilms
- Plankton patchiness and bloom dynamics
- Interfacial instabilities
- Bioreactors, ecology and biocontrol
- Physiology

Research interests:
- Metric number theory
- Diophantine approximation
- Geometry of numbers
- Uniform distribution
- Measure and probability theory
- Fractal geometry
- Ergodic theory, dynamical systems
- Applications of diophantine approximation (in PDEs, signal processing, etc.)

Research interests:
- Combinatorics
- Lie theory
- Knot theory
- Categorical representation theory

Research interests:
- Stochastic analysis
- Stochastic partial differential equations
- Equations of mathematical physics (Navier-Stokes, Equler, wave and Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert)
- Mathematical foundations of the Feynman path integrals

Research interests:
- Ergodic theory
- Dynamical systems

Research interests:
- Quantum information theory
- Quantum technologies
- Foundations of quantum mechanics

Research interests:
- Applied probability
- Convergence rates of random walks
- Perfect simulation
- Probabilistic coupling

Research interests:
- Stochastic models
- Theoretical population genetics
- The evolution of coopoeration, multicellularity and sexual reproduction
- The maintenance and stability of complex ecosystems

Research interests:
- Mathematical physics, especially classical and quantum field theory
- Two-dimensional integrable quantum field theories with boundaries and defects

Research interests:
- Nonstandard analysis (especially Loeb spaces) and applications (especially in probability and stochastic analysis)

Research interests:
- Stochastic analysis
- Global analysis
- Mathematical physics
Dr Pierre-Philippe Dechant

Research interests:
- Size-based models of marine ecosystems
- Scale invariance in ecological modelling
- Computational ecology and deep learning

Research interests:
- Representation theory of symmetric groups
- Iwahori–Hecke algebras
- Ariki-Koike algebras
- KLR algebras

Research interests:
- Number theory
- Dynamical systems
- Harmonic analysis and applications

Research interests:
- Algebra, especially Lie type representation theory

Research interests:
- Commutative algebra and its interactions with algebraic geometry
- Invariant theory
- Separating invariants
- Applications of invariant theory and commutative algebra
- Structural and practical identifiability of mathematical models, in particular identifiability and reparameterization of ODE models with time-series or steady-state data

Research interests:
- Stochastic and kinetic modeling in biology
- RNA viruses
- Ribosome kinetics
- Applied group and representation theory

Research interests:
- Homological methods in algebra
- Partial symmetry
- Representation theory
- Geometric manifolds

Research interests:
- Functional analysis
- Operator theory
- Applications
Research interests:
- Computational mathematics
- Dynamical systems
- Data analysis

Research interests:
- Quantum information theory
- Foundations of quantum theory
- Certification of quantum devices

Research interests:
- Quantum field theory in curved spacetimes
- Algebraic quantum field theory
- Relativistic aspects of quantum information theory

Research interests:
- Representation theory
- Cohomology of algebraic groups and related objects, including quantum groups, symmetric groups and Hecke algebras.

Research interests:
- Algebraic semigroup theory
- Theory of semigroup acts
- Model theory of semigroups and acts
- Endomorphisms of universal algebras
Research interests:
- Data science
- Time series
- Statistics in sport
- Teaching and learning pedagogy

Research interests:
- Quantum field theory
- Differential geometry
- Quantisation
- Algebraic aspects of deformations

Research interests:
- Quantum information theory

Research interests:
- Quantum field theory

Peter Hines
Research interests:
- (inverse) semigroup theory
- category theory
- logic (linear and intuitionistic)
- theoretical computer science
- quantum computing & foundations
- cryptography & computer security
- linguistics & natural language processing
- algebraic topology
- cognitive science & psychology
- information theory

Research interests:
- Analytic number theory
- Random matrix theory
- Riemann zeta function

Research interests:
- Fluid dynamics
- Magnetohydrodynamics
- Hydrodynamic stability theory
Dr Boda Kang

Research interests:
- Quantum fields
- Quantum gravity
- Fundamental problems in quantum theory

Research interests:
- Algebra, namely affine Kac-Moody groups over finite fields and related topics
- Mathematical pedagogy

Research interests:
- Nonstationary time series
- Wavelet multiscale methods
- Networks
- Long-memory processes

Research interests:
- Asymptotic analysis for acoustic wave propagation
- Diffraction/scattering theory
- Kinematic/dynamical modelling of non-homogeneous turbulence in jets

Research interests:
- Mathematical biology

Research interests:
- Metric number theory
- Diophantine approximation and their links with fractal geometry

Research interests:
- Functional data analysis
- High-frequency financial econometrics
- Network and time series modelling
- Nonparametric and semiparametric methods
Research interests:
- Stochastic analysis
- Rough paths
- Probabilistic numerical methods
- Data science

Research interests:
- Integrable models and quantum groups
- Operations research and military history
- Applied statistics and forecasting

Research interests:
- Differential geometry of surfaces, mostly harmonic maps and minimal surfaces, using vector bundle and Higgs bundle methods

Research interests:
- Algebraic and combinatorial aspects of the representation theory of quantum affine algebras, including applications to quantum integrable systems.

Research interests:
- Classical and quantum field theories in low space-time dimensions.
- Integrable systems.
- Generalised TTbar deformations and the ODE/IM correspondence.

Research interests:
- Bayesian statistics
- Computational statistics
- Finite mixture distributions
- Time series

Research interests:
- Mathematical biology and ecology
- Dynamical systems
- Stochastic processes

Research interests:
- Computational statistics
- Bayesian methodology
- Time series and forecasting
- Machine learning

Research interests:

Research interests:
- Mathematical physics
- Quantum information
Research interests:
- Mathematical biology and chemistry
Research interests:
Classical and singular stochastic (geometric)
Partial differential equations (SPDEs)

Research interests:
- Quantum field theory
- Quantum gravity
- Operator algebras

Research interests:
- Pricing and hedging of options in models with imperfections
- Novel financial models

Research interests:
- Number theory
- Geometry and analysis

Research interests:
- Mathematical physics
- Quantum information

Research interests:
- Measure theory
- Probability
- Traffic flow
Dr Harry Southworth
Research interests:
- Investment under uncertainty
- Applications of optimal stopping theory
- Timing games
- Theory of incomplete markets
Research interests:
Pure mathematics (geometric analysis)
Statistical methodology (Bayesian methods)
Medicine (analyses for clinical trials)
Education research.

Research interests:
- Mathematical biology and chemistry

Research interests:
- Number theory
- Dynamical systems
- Discrete groups

Research interests:
- Integrable systems
- Classical and quantum integrable field theories
Dr Paul Voutier

Research interests:
- Non-relativistic quantum mechanics, including quantum information and the foundations of quantum theory

Research interests:
- Moduli spaces arising in gauge theory, particularly moduli of Higgs bundles and quiver varieties, using Morse theory and geometric flows.

Research interests:
- Mathematical modelling
- Collective motion
- Systems biology
- Operations research

Research interests:
- Mathematical finance
- Stochastic analysis
- Mathematical physics

Research interests:
- High dimensional/big data analysis
- Financial data analysis
- Nonparametric modelling
- Nonlinear time series
- Survival analysis
- Functional data analysis
- Spatial data analysis
- Multi-level modelling
- Structural equation models

Research interests:
- Copula method
- High-dimensional statistics
- Survival analysis
- Statistical inference for deep neural networks

Research interests:
- Number Theory, Diophantine Approximations, Metric Number Theory, Elimination Theory, Transcendence Theory, Algebraic Geometry, geometry of numbers, Arakelov’s Geometry, measure and probability theory, ergodic theory, dynamical systems.
Related links
- Departmental officers
- Honorary doctorates