Accessibility statement

Emilie Dufresne



I did my PhD at Queen's University in Kingston, ON, Canada. I then held postdoctoral positions in Heidelberg, Germany, Basel, Switzerland, and at MSRI, Berkeley, California, USA. I came to the UK in September 2013. After a brief career break, I was a LMS Grace Chisholm Young Fellow in Durham, and then held a postdoctoral position in Oxford, the Algebraic Systems Biology group. I then joined the School of Mathematical sciences of the University of Nottingham as a Anne McLaren FellowI joined the Department of Mathematics of the University of York as a Lecturer in Algebra in September 2018. See my personal webpage for more details.

Departmental roles

  • Chair, Equality & Good Practice Committee (EGPC)



I am a founding member of the UK-wide research network for Applied Algebra and Geometry. Visit our website to learn about our activities, funded by the London Mathematical Society, the Edinburgh Mathematical Society, and the Glasgow Mathematical Journal Trust.
Research Interests: Commutative algebra and its interactions with algebraic geometry; invariant theory; separating invariants; applications of invariant theory and commutative algebra; structural and practical identifiability of mathematical models, in particular identifiability and reparameterization of ODE models with time-series or steady-state data.

Research group(s)

Algebra Research Group

Available PhD research projects

I am happy to discuss potential PhD projects in areas with close ties to my research interests.


Simon Hart -




  • Algebra (Autumn)
  • Algebraic Groups

Contact details

Dr Emilie Dufresne

Tel: +44 (0)1904 324158