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Accessibility information

Find out more about the services available to make our equipment and spaces accessible to all who need to use them.

These items are available to users who have a specific need, to help them to work efficiently and comfortably

Please contact us for further advice regarding any of these products as there may be other considerations to take into account before accepting a booking.

Bookable AV equipment

For users who would benefit from additional hardware not fitted as standard in rooms, the Audio Visual team can provide:

Wireless keyboards and mice

For presenters who may not want to present from a lectern, we can provide wireless keyboards and mice, to allow the use of the installed PC from a preferred position.

Spotlight presenters

Rather than using a traditional laser pointer with a small red or green dot, spotlight presenters can highlight an area of the screen and dim the surrounding content. This also transfers through to replay recordings, enabling viewers to see the areas that the presenter highlighted post event.

Hearing loops

Find rooms with loops already installed on our room information pages.

Temporary hearing loops

Hearing loops involve taping a cable to the floor around a seating area. We suggest dedicating a couple of rows of seats, or one side of the room to this, as coverage can be affected if an area is too big. A microphone is supplied which feeds directly into the loop.

Lapel and headset microphones

In teaching rooms considered large enough for a microphone system, a lapel microphone has already been installed. We can supply headset microphones which will replace the lapel microphone in these rooms if required. We can also supply additional microphones (headset, lapel or handheld) in some other rooms if this will assist presenters.

IT facilities

There are a number of options available to help make using computer and IT services more accessible; from screen readers and magnifiers, to voice recognition software.

The Library and IT Helpdesk or Disability Services (for staff and students) are on hand to offer help and advice.

Find out more about IT accessibility

Room accessibility

Most classrooms and study areas are wheelchair accessible. You can find a list of the most wheelchair friendly rooms for PC users on the IT accessibility web page. These rooms have a raised desk to accommodate a wheelchair.

In some lecture theatres and seminar rooms the teaching lectern can be raised or lowered to the desired working height.

If you have any questions about a specific room, you can contact the Room Bookings Team:

Visit the room bookings web page