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Mitigating circumstances for Undergraduate applicants

We’re committed to making sure everybody has a fair chance of getting into university.

If you’ve experienced personal, social or domestic issues that have prevented you from reaching your true academic potential, you may be eligible for a reduced offer.

Mitigating circumstances are exceptional, unforeseen and unpreventable events that can significantly disrupt your ability to study. They may affect attendance, preparing classwork, completing homework, and revising for and attending exams. These events are normally outside of your control.

Letting us know more details about your circumstances gives our admissions assessors more context in which to consider your UCAS application.

Contact us

Undergraduate admissions team
+44 (0)1904 324000

Who can apply?

Here are some examples of circumstances that we may take into account.

  • A period of ill-health affecting performance in exams or other assessed work
  • Death of an immediate family member
  • A period of teacher absence in subjects that are essential to you meeting your offer conditions
  • Other personal, social or domestic circumstances, such as a relationship breakdown at home
  • A disability or long-standing medical condition

How to apply

If you've experienced circumstances related to the above criteria, let us know by completing our Mitigating Circumstances form below.

We encourage you to submit your Mitigating Circumstances form at the same time as submitting your UCAS application. This will allow our admissions assessors to take all the relevant information into account when making their decision.

Contact us

Undergraduate admissions team
+44 (0)1904 324000