Independent Research Project: Extended Essay - TFT00089H

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  • Department: Theatre, Film, Television and Interactive Media
  • Credit value: 20 credits
  • Credit level: H
  • Academic year of delivery: 2025-26

Module summary

This module expands your work in Semester 1’s Independent Research Project module, with your research proposal and preparation forming the basis of an extended essay which you will write during this module, with one-to-one support from a supervisor. This project affords you the opportunity to shape and execute a project which reflects your own interests, and to develop this work in close collaboration with an academic expert in the field of Theatre and Performance Studies.

Related modules

This module builds on the work of Independent Research Project: Proposal and Planning. If you are required to resit the earlier module, or choose to change topic from your earlier work, it may still be possible to complete this project. Ideally, though, this module continues to develop your research skills and support you in producing a piece of extended essay-writing, on the basis of the planning undertaken in Semester 1.

Module will run

Occurrence Teaching period
A Semester 2 2025-26

Module aims

This module aims:

  • to support you in researching a topic of your own choosing, under the supervision of a member of staff, and to write an extended essay on that topic
  • to give you the opportunity to carry out an independent project of significant ambition, of a length equivalent to real-world academic contexts (book chapters, journal articles, etc)
  • to enhance your command and application of the knowledge, research skills and analytical tools that you have acquired during previous modules in a context where, although supported by supervisorial guidance, you have the chance to create your own agenda and devise appropriate methods to carry it out.

Module learning outcomes

Upon completion of this module, you are expected to be able to:

  • work independently on a substantial research project involving the use of appropriate research techniques and methodologies
  • complete an independent project of their own devising which builds upon the teaching of the preceding terms
  • identify, access and use appropriate research materials from archives, libraries and other sources relevant to the project, under supervisory guidance
  • address a specific research question through the deployment of appropriate critical, analytical, creative and/or technical activities and techniques
  • compose a substantial piece of writing that is logically structured, clearly written, and well argued
  • construct a full bibliography of sources according to standard form - plan and manage their time effectively to ensure the timely completion of the project

Module content

You will write an extended essay of no more than 6000 words, researching a topic of your own choice, based on the research proposal submitted for assessment in the previous semester. On the basis of that proposal, you will be allocated an academic supervisor who will guide and support you as you develop and carry out your research project. You may write on a topic which is grounded in any of the disciplines you have studied on the course, including one that involves a dialogue between disciplines, e.g. acting techniques. You may look to past module teaching to explore a previous topic in greater detail, or you may use the opportunity to draw on staff expertise in helping you to develop a new area of interest that you have not examined in previous teaching. You will be able to meet your supervisor up to five times during the term for half-hour one-to-one sessions, for each of which you should submit draft work in advance for commentary and discussion. These may include planning documents and draft sections for discussion, and
documents summarising your developing structure and argument. The project demands of you an ambitious and potentially innovative use of the research skills you have acquired during your BA studies. It is also designed to stretch and consolidate your command of those skills, and to afford you the opportunity to plan and write academic written work to a high standard.

Indicative assessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 100

Special assessment rules


Additional assessment information

Formative feedback will be provided at each supervisory sessions, as long as deadlines for submitting the draft work are met.

Indicative reassessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 100

Module feedback

You will receive written feedback in line with standard University turnaround times.

Indicative reading

There are no key texts as each project will bring its own focus, driven by the student’s research interests. Resources and reading lists from other modules may be drawn upon, but students are responsible, with supervisor support, for exploring and assessing the literature available.