Department: Theatre, Film, Television and Interactive Media
Credit value: 20 credits
Credit level: M
Academic year of delivery: 2023-24
See module specification for other years:
Module summary
Researchers are the foundation on which television programmes (and quite a few movies) are built. And TV research is the platform from which the majority of broadcast careers are launched. Quite simply: without the researcher’s ability to identify stories, assemble facts, draft scripts, cast contributors and secure locations and co-operation, few documentaries would ever get made, few popular factual shows would ever leave the development phase, and quite a few light entertainment shows would struggle for participants and contestants. This module will introduce you to some of the key skills that combine to make a successful TV researcher. It will cover underlying disciplines like story-finding and casting. It will focus on ethics and compliance and the researcher’s duties to both contributor and broadcaster or streamer. It will explore different programme forms and formats and how the researcher adapts their practice to different editorial demands. And it will expose students to some of the professional
procedures - the story conference, the development round-table and the producer scrutiny - which characterise how researchers actually go about their business in the industry.
Module will run
Teaching period
Semester 1 2023-24
Module aims
Over the course of this module, you can expect to:
Become familiar with the role of a television researcher on factual and dramatic programmes.
Learn how to find and evaluate stories and to write research briefs and factual scripts to a professional standard
Learn how to set up a shoot, including finding and contracting contributors and locations.
Understand the compliance process and legal requirements for television production.
Develop insights into different editorial structures, programme formats and commissioning systems in the UK and beyond.
Module learning outcomes
At the end of this module, you will be expected to:
Have developed strategies and procedures for coming up with editorially viable ideas for TV stories.
Research and develop factual stories for television to near professional standard.
Be confident with the ways in which stories can change their form, or potential content, in line with different editorial formats or broadcast structures.
Be demonstrably able to find and contract contributors.
Be demonstrably able to find and contract locations. Be able to write research briefs and short factual scripts, to near professional standard.
Be in command of broadcast compliance and related legal considerations, including copyright, contempt, trespass and defamation.
Respect and adhere to a researcher's ethical obligations to their contributors.
Have a confident command of how research drives programme content in different markets, UK and beyond, public service and commercial, scheduled broadcast and video-on-demand.
Indicative assessment
% of module mark
Special assessment rules
Additional assessment information
This module is structured around weekly editorial conferences (and some complementary masterclasses) therefore feedback is a constant process, akin to best-practice in the broadcast industry.
Indicative reassessment
% of module mark
Module feedback
You will receive written feedback in line with standard University turnaround times.
Indicative reading
BBC Producers Guidelines.
Ofcom Regulations
Barry Hampe, Making Documentary Films and Reality Videos, Owl books
Andy Glynne, Documentaries and how to make them, Creative Essentials.
Gary Hudson and Sarah Rowlands, The Broadcast Journalism Handbook, Pearson
Alan Rosenthal, Writing, Directing and Producing Documentary Films and Videos, Southern Illinois University Press
Ivor Yorke, The Technique Of Television News, London, Focal.
Gordon Croton, From Script To Screen: Documentaries, Borehamwood, BBC Television Training.
Paul Kriwaczek, Documentary For The Small Screen, Oxford: Focal.
Chater, Kathy (1998) Production Research: An Introduction, Oxford: Focal Press
Chater, Kathy (1995) The Television Researcher s Guide, London, BBC TV Training
Chater, Kathy (1998) The Television Researcher s Handbook, London, BBC TV Training.
Hart, Colin, (1999), Television Program Making, Oxford: Focal Press.
Walls, Susan (2005), How to Get a Job in Television, How To Books.