Comedy: Genres & Sub-Genres - TFT00001I
- Department: Theatre, Film, Television and Interactive Media
- Credit value: 20 credits
- Credit level: I
Academic year of delivery: 2022-23
- See module specification for other years: 2023-24
Module summary
This module explores the concept of genre, and its importance and usefulness for the interpretation and performance of playscripts, via both analytical investigation and practical experiment. We will be working on a rich line-up of comedies spanning a wide historical range – from pre-Christian Rome to the immediately contemporary. The texts we will be studying have numerous features in common. Yet each is a highly idiosyncratic creation. Setting them side by side, therefore, allows us both to perceive the patterns of inheritance and kinship which connect them across great spans of time and to identify more precisely the individual distinctiveness of each, plus the implications of that distinctiveness for the demands they pose, and the opportunities they offer, for their performers.
*Students will lose 3 marks per workshop, seminar or practical session missed for this module.
Module will run
Occurrence | Teaching period |
A | Spring Term 2022-23 |
Module aims
To introduce students to the study of the lines of descent and influence which bond together writing and performance within comic modes across extended time-spans, and between different media
To develop a more sophisticated understanding of genre, as applied to a variety of comic modes
To explore, via performance experiment, the translation of writing into performance within one major comic tradition, farce, from Ancient Rome to immediately contemporary playwriting.
Module learning outcomes
To be informed about theories of genre and the debates surrounding them
To have acquired the skills needed to analyse, and to conduct practical explorations into, the relationships between tradition and innovation in comic writing and performance across a substantial historical span
To have developed further your own performance skills in comedy
Indicative assessment
Task | % of module mark |
Essay/coursework | 75 |
Practical | 25 |
Special assessment rules
Indicative reassessment
Task | % of module mark |
Essay/coursework | 75 |
Practical | 25 |
Module feedback
Students will receive written feedback on all assessments and reassessments. Formative feedback will be provided on practical achievements in workshops and on the week 7 written task, and summative on the week 10 practical performances and, within 20 working days after the deadline, on the written task.
Indicative reading
The assignments will differ from year to year; but one indicative selection of primary texts would be:
Plautus, Menaechmi
Shakespeare, The Comedy of Errors
Moliere, Scapin
Feydeau, A Flea in her Ear
Orton, What The Butler Saw
Ayckbourn, Absurd Person Singular
Holcroft, Rules for Living
A matching list of secondary texts would include:
Eric Bentley, The Life of the Drama
Jerry Palmer, The Logic of the Absurd
Jessica Milner Davis, Farce
John Wright, Why Is That So Funny?
Matthew Bevis, Comedy: A Very Short Introduction
Eric Weitz, The Cambridge Introduction to Comedy
Eric Weitz, Theatre and Laughter
Jerry Palmer, Taking Humour Seriously