BSc Project Incorporating Professional Skills (Physics, Theoretical Physics, Astrophysics) - PHY00052H

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  • Department: Physics
  • Credit value: 40 credits
  • Credit level: H
  • Academic year of delivery: 2022-23

Related modules

Module will run

Occurrence Teaching period
A Autumn Term 2022-23 to Summer Term 2022-23

Module aims

Professional Skills

The communication skills component brings together all the skills that you have gained in the previous two years: finding and evaluating information; written, oral and poster presentations. You prepare individual contributions for a conference that will be attended by all students taking this module, namely a poster and a talk. You will also prepare a project plan, and timetable for your project.

BSc Project

The BSc project is an open-ended investigation which is conducted in small groups or individually. Each project has a specific academic supervisor who will give guidance and assistance as needed at regular supervisory meetings.

A list of the projects on offer for each academic year is made available towards the end of Term 3 of the preceding academic year. Projects will be offered in areas specific to your degree programme.

Project work builds on the expertise that you have already acquired in Years 1 and 2. The aim is to develop your ability to design, carry out and report on an extended investigation. The project will provide an opportunity for creativity and original thought on your part.

For further details, see the BSc Projects Student Handbook and assessment pro forma, which will be available on the VLE

Further details will be given by the Project Module Co-ordinator at the beginning of term 1 in the form of an induction session.

Module learning outcomes


Professional Skills

  • Research current trends on the project topic
  • Communicate physics ideas from the project to peers
  • Communicate physics ideas from the project to a general audience in the form of a media release
  • Prepare and deliver individual oral and poster conference-style presentations
  • Participate in a conference
  • Prepare a project plan and timetable
  • Prepare a health and safety risk assessment under supervisor's guidance
  • Learn scientific writing skills and receive a training workshop on this topic

BSc Project

  • To plan, design, carry out and report on an extended research project investigation

Whilst doing this you will develop the following skills:

  • the ability to investigate an area of physics relevant to your specialist area [Experimental, Astrophysics, Physics with Philosophy, Maths and Physics, or Theoretical Physics] in a systematic way using appropriate critical assessment of literature sources, experimental, observational, computational, theoretical, and/or mathematical techniques
  • the ability to work independently and plan and organise effectively to achieve the project goals
  • to collaborate with project partners (internal and external), and, where applicable, interact with other group members
  • to acquire from databases and libraries original source references [published scientific papers, books, etc.], and to critically assess these
  • to systematically and contemporaneously record the project work carried out in a paper-based hard-bound or electronic notebook
  • to research and write background material
  • to assess the significance of your project outcomes against what is already known in the area of your project topic via the critical assessment of the literature
  • to communicate the project outcome in a final written form [formal project report] and in an oral examination [project viva]

For further details see the BSc Projects Student Handbook and assessment pro forma, which will be available on the VLE.

Module content

Students taking this module should have taken one of the stage 2 laboratory modules - either PHY00009I, PHY00020I, PHY00010I or PHY00011I. Where students have not taken PHY00030I (Mathematics II), they should have taken an appropriate maths module before selecting this module.

Indicative assessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 35
Essay/coursework 50
Essay/coursework 10
Oral presentation/seminar/exam 5

Special assessment rules


Additional assessment information

For further details see the BSc Projects Student Handbook and assessment pro forma, which will be available on the VLE.

Indicative reassessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 35
Essay/coursework 50
Essay/coursework 10
Oral presentation/seminar/exam 5

Module feedback

Our policy on how you receive feedback for formative and summative purposes is contained in our Department Handbook.

Indicative reading

Reading recommendations - will be advised by the project supervisor as appropriate.