Extended Independent Project - MAT00105H

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  • Department: Mathematics
  • Credit value: 40 credits
  • Credit level: H
  • Academic year of delivery: 2025-26

Module summary

This module will develop your ability to carry out an independent investigation of a mathematical topic and to present a clear account of your findings.

Module will run

Occurrence Teaching period
A Semester 1 2025-26 to Semester 2 2025-26

Module aims

This module will develop your ability to carry out an independent investigation of a mathematical topic and to present a clear account of your findings.

Module learning outcomes

At the end of this module, students will be able to:

  1. Acquire mathematical expertise in a largely autonomous fashion, making use of available mathematical literature as a stimulus to independent thought.

  2. Synthesise mathematical information from a number of different sources, and to analyse mathematics encountered in the existing literature.

  3. Fluently use LaTeX.

  4. Plan a long-term project, and reflect on its effectiveness.

  5. Communicate mathematics clearly and concisely, as a longer written narrative and in a shorter visually-appealing form.

  6. Be able to communicate mathematics clearly and concisely, as a longer written narrative and in a shorter visually-appealing form.

Module content

Students can choose the mathematical topic that they want to investigate, either from an extensive list of titles offered by the Department, or by coming up with a topic of their own. Project choices and supervisor allocations are made before the start of the academic year.

During the first half of the first semester, and building on skills taught in previous years, students will develop their mathematical research and presentation skills, including mathematical writing and the use of LaTeX. Alongside this, they will do scoping work on their project.

By the midway point of the first semester, students will write a short background report on their project, and present a plan with specific milestones and deliverables informed by their background report.

The second half of Semester 1 and the first half of Semester 2 is spent on detailed reading and self-study of the chosen topic, supported by the supervisor. The organisation of this work and associated supervision meetings is largely the responsibility of the individual student, although regular fortnightly meetings are recommended to ensure that steady progress is made.

A first draft of the project dissertation is presented to the project supervisor midway through Semester 2, and the supervisor will present constructive feedback shortly afterwards in an extended meeting.

The deadline for submission of the final version is Monday of Week 10.

Students should expect four hours of supervision time over the two semesters that they are responsible for allocating, in addition to the initial meeting and an extended meeting to discuss the draft.

For the remainder of the Semester students will develop some form of a social media post (interpreted loosely to include a YouTube video, or infographic, or a poster) explaining their project in an engaging manner to a member of the public, to be submitted at the end of Semester 2.

At the end of Semester 2, students submit their social media post. They also submit a reflection on how well they managed to keep to their milestones and deliverables they set themselves at the start.

The lectures on LaTeX, study skills, etc, will be delivered online via a cross-module cross-year self-paced training course.

Indicative assessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 20
Essay/coursework 60
Essay/coursework 20

Special assessment rules


Indicative reassessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 20
Essay/coursework 60
Essay/coursework 20

Module feedback

Current Department policy on feedback is available in the student handbook. Coursework and examinations will be marked and returned in accordance with this policy.

Indicative reading

Departmental web pages about LaTeX and the resources listed there.

Writing Mathematics:

L Gillman, Writing Mathematics Well: a manual for authors, MAA (S 0.149 GIL).

N J Higham, Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences, SIAM. (S 0.149 HIG).

E E Knuth, T Larrabee and P M Roberts, Mathematical Writing, MAA (S0.249 KNU).

S G Krantz, A Primer of Mathematical Writing, American Mathematical Society (S 0.149 KRA).