Italian and Italy’s Cities of Art - LFA00317L

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  • Department: Language and Linguistic Science
  • Credit value: Information currently unavailable
  • Credit level: LFA
  • Academic year of delivery: 2024-25

Module summary

This short non-accredited course will focus on developing Italian speaking and listening skills through the use of language in context. This course is pitched at a Lower Intermediate level (A2/B1) of Italian and is designed for students who have an interest in both Italian and Italian Art and Archaeology. Students will practise conversation in Italian on topics such as art appreciation and «orgoglio italiano» as well as on the role of art in Italian society. The course will include an overview of famous heritage and archaeological sites, architecture and historical centres across Italy, from the Greek/Roman period up to the last century. Part of the course will also provide an opportunity to practise 'basic survival skills' to travel safely around Italy (key websites for public transport, booking hotels etc).

Module will run

Occurrence Teaching period
A Semester 1 2024-25
B Semester 2 2024-25

Module aims

  • To provide opportunities to familiarise with art and archaeology in Italy through discussion and analysis of written and audiovisual sources written in Italian.

  • To foster students’ listening and speaking skills through the use of Italian for specific purposes (Art and Archaeology).

  • To provide students with opportunities to understand the role of art in Italian society, but historically and at present.

  • To equip students with basic skills to apply their knowledge of Italian in context when travelling.

Module learning outcomes

By the end of the course students should be able to:

  • understand written and audiovisual sources about Art and Archaeology in Italian and contextualise the information in its historical and social contexts

  • discuss the features and context of works of art and archaeological sites in Italian

  • display an understanding of the role of art in Italian society

  • use their knowledge of Italian to navigate typical scenarios as travellers

Module content

The module will:

  • Provide an overview of the most important ‘Cities of Arts’ in Italy (e.g. Firenze, Roma, Venezia etc.) and their monuments, landmarks and archaeological sites.

  • Explore Italian Art throughout history, from the pre Roman times to the present day with a particular focus on Greek and Roman archaeology & Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque and Fascist art and architecture.

  • Illustrate the concept of heritage protection by looking at some case-studies (e.g. conservazione dei beni culturali, museificazione dell’arte etc.)

  • Present useful tips for travelling around Italy and visiting famous museums or sites with practical examples of useful websites, booking systems, transport etc.

Indicative assessment

Task % of module mark
Departmental - attendance requirement 100

Special assessment rules


Additional assessment information

Since this is a non-accredited course, assessment will be formative, with a focus on providing students feedback and feedforward opportunities.

The focus of the module is to develop speaking and listening skills so, alongside standard short written formative assessments (e.g. essays on given topic), the formative tasks will include video submissions of student presentations on the description of a selected city of Art and its heritage sites.

Indicative reassessment


Module feedback

Ongoing formative feedback will be given to students in class and in writing, depending on the task

Indicative reading

In additional to the bespoke material provided for the course, extracts from the following reading will also be used:

  • Vasari, Le vite

  • Palladio, I quattro libri dell’architettura

  • Sebastiani, Pagnottini & Giacobbi, Orietta Civilta` italiana: testo di conversazione e cultura per stranieri

  • Angelino & Porreca, Progetto Cultura Italiana: L'Italiano Attraverso la Storia Dell'Arte

  • Porreca, L’italano per l’arte