Company Law - LAW00029H

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  • Department: The York Law School
  • Credit value: 20 credits
  • Credit level: H
  • Academic year of delivery: 2025-26

Module will run

Occurrence Teaching period
A Semester 1 2025-26

Module aims

This module is designed to introduce you to a contextual study of some of the core principles of company law.

In detail this module aims to:

- Provide you with a depth of knowledge and understanding of the key issues in company law including the:

o legal nature of the company

o legal implications of separate corporate personality including limited liability

o role of the board of directors

o legal duties of directors

o legal protection of shareholders.

- Examine critical themes such as, the origins and nature of corporate personality ; the separation of control from ownership; issues of diversity in the board of directors; the value of shareholder power and limited liability; the ideas and values which underpin legal doctrines

- Help you to analyse and critically evaluate the legal basis of the control exercised by a company s board of directors over a company s management and affairs, the legal limitations and constraints on this control.

- Give you an opportunity to apply the core principles of company law through problem questions and the simulation of various aspects of company operations including the processes of setting up a company

- Help you to develop a critical understanding of the normative aspects of company law by asking questions about the purpose of company law and whether it should or does meet wider objectives in the social and public interest

These are ambitious aims which involve both theoretical and practical approaches which, it is hoped, will enable you to gain a deeper and broader insight into company law than might be gained from a basic knowledge of the legal doctrine.

Module learning outcomes

The Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs) are the foundation of the Module and everything you do in the Module will in some way or other relate to the MLOs. You are assessed by reference to the extent to which you have met the MLOs and therefore you must always bear these in mind when you undertake self-directed learning. When engaging in the small session tasks and completing the assessment you must always try to relate your work to the MLOs in some way.

MLOs are expressed in a manner which indicates what you should be able to do at the end of the module. The assessment will be aimed at demonstrating how you have met the MLOs.

The MLOs state that when you finish this module you should be able to:

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the core legal principles which apply to the formation, legal structure and management of companies and the ideas which underpin these principles. (MLO1)

Demonstrate an ability to analyse those principles critically and apply that knowledge and understanding to relevant, practical and realistic scenarios of moderate complexity (MLO2)

Demonstrate a basic ability to engage in common legal tasks that arise in the formation and running of a company. (MLO3)

Demonstrate an ability to analyse and evaluate key normative issues in Company Law (MLO4)

Indicative assessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 100

Special assessment rules


Indicative reassessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 100

Module feedback

Feedback form.

Indicative reading

  • LE Talbot Great Debates in Company Law and Governance (Palgrave 2014)
  • J.Lowry and A. Reisberg Pettet s Company Law: Company Law & Corporate Finance (4th edition, Pearson, 2012)
  • Paul L. Davies and Sarah Worthington Gower and Davies Principles of Modern Company Law, 9th edition, (Sweet & Maxwell 2012) (an excellent text but very detailed).
  • Talbot, LE Progressive Corporate Governance for the 21st Century (Routledge 2012)
  • Talbot, LE Critical Company Law (Routledge 2015)