Understanding Italian-speaking Cultures and Societies - LAN00068C

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  • Department: Language and Linguistic Science
  • Credit value: 20 credits
  • Credit level: C
  • Academic year of delivery: 2023-24
    • See module specification for other years: 2024-25

Module summary

The module will engage students in the study and discussion of selected topics of current debate, relevant to Italy.

It will expand students’ knowledge and understanding of key socio-political issues and will develop their academic communication skills in Italian.

The module will lay the groundwork for more advanced study of Italian language and cultures modules in year 2 and in the final year.

The medium of instruction and assessment is Italian.

Related modules

Italian Language and Cultures: Upper intermediate or equivalent level of proficiency.

Module will run

Occurrence Teaching period
A Semester 2 2023-24

Module aims

This module aims at expanding knowledge, skills and strategies necessary to effectively and accurately communicate in Italian, and to further develop a plurilingual and pluricultural communicative competence (i.e. students’ ability to use their own linguistic repertoire for effective communication).

The module is intended to enable students to develop their knowledge of academic writing conventions as well as their independent critical thinking, research, written, and presentation skills.

This module seeks to equip students with the knowledge and academic skills to understand and analyse key issues of the Italian-speaking world, with a particular focus on the construction of Italian national and transnational identities.

Module learning outcomes

Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • understand the main points and arguments of written, audiovisual and digital documents related to historical, cultural and social aspects of Italian-speaking countries

  • interpret and explain a document or event in Italian and relate it to documents or events from cultures with which they are familiar (including their own)

  • discuss contemporary written and aural authentic materials and have some understanding of the social, cultural and institutional references they contain

  • research, synthesise and present on a range of topics studied in the module, expanding and supporting (complex) ideas with subsidiary points and relevant examples

  • interact with an appropriate degree of fluency and spontaneity

  • express views effectively and coherently and use the language accurately and effectively on a range of topics

  • communicate with grammatical control.

Module content

The module will focus on a variety of key cultural, historical, and social aspects that have contributed to the construction of Italian national and transnational identities, ranging from the period preceding the formation of Italy as a unitary State (i.e. before 1861) to the first wave of the Italian diaspora and the colonial enterprise (late XIX century-early XX century).

Selected grammar topics will also form part of the module content in the form of exercises, revision, and independent study.

Students will engage, individually and/or in groups, in communicative activities focussing on three modes of communication:

1) reception activities (oral, audio-video and reading comprehension);

2) production activities (oral and written production);

3) interaction (oral, written and online interaction).

Students will, independently and/or with their peers, complete a range of activities (in class and/or asynchronously online).

Regular oral and written contributions will develop students’ communicative and academic skills further and will foster their ability to work in teams.

Indicative assessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 60
Oral presentation/seminar/exam 40

Special assessment rules


Indicative reassessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 60
Oral presentation/seminar/exam 40

Module feedback

Students’ performance will be monitored through formative work throughout the semester and assessed via end of semester exams.

Formative assessment and feedback

  • Formative tasks done individually and/or in groups throughout the module

  • Feedback will include written comments for written formative work

  • Oral feedback during class discussions.

Summative assessment and feedback

Students will be given written feedback and marks for their work, in line with the University’s marking and feedback turnaround policy.

Indicative reading

Course materials and guided readings will be provided by the module convenor(s) in class and/or via the VLE at the start of the semester.