Communities in Humanitarian Affairs - HEA00099M

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  • Department: Health Sciences
  • Credit value: 20 credits
  • Credit level: M
  • Academic year of delivery: 2023-24

Related modules

Additional information

Important note: module pre-requisite
Please note that the requirement to complete Global Public Health as a pre-requisite for this module applies only to students on the Master of Public Health. It does not apply to students on the MSc International Humanitarian Affairs.

Module will run

Occurrence Teaching period
B Spring Term 2023-24

Module aims

In most disasters and conflicts, affected communities have been dealing with uncertainties and dangers for generations. Through their experiences, these communities have developed sophisticated, yet pragmatic approaches to dealing with and adapting to disasters and conflicts. This module will allow students to examine and understand uncertainties and dangers of disasters and conflicts from community perspectives. Community approaches to dealing with crises are founded and directed by their religions, traditions and cultures and as such the module aims to guide and facilitate students to develop and explore new ways of collaborating with affected communities.

Module learning outcomes

Subject content

  • Students will critically engage with different values and knowledge systems at community level in responding to humanitarian situations.
  • Students will understand different community approaches to deal with uncertainty and dangers in humanitarian situations.
  • Students will develop skills to engage with disaster and conflict affected communities to deliver effective humanitarian responses.

Academic and graduate skills

  • Students will develop skills to design, implement, monitor and evaluate community-based humanitarian responses.
  • Students will develop skills and mechanisms to engage with disaster and conflict affected communities as equal partners of change in humanitarian responses.
  • Students will understand mechanisms to learn from disaster and conflict affected communities.

Module content

This module will provide the opportunity for students to appreciate different cultural and traditional approaches to humanitarian situations at community level.

As a thematic area of the humanitarian discourse, it is important that the students in this module are familiar with the key publications in the field. By developing an annotated bibliography for formative assessment, the students will be able to familiarise themselves with literature as well as be able to use them in their essay.

Indicative assessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 100

Special assessment rules


Indicative reassessment

Task % of module mark
Essay/coursework 100

Module feedback

Written feedback will be provided on the standard proforma within the timescale specified in the programme handbook.

Indicative reading

Jayawickrama, J. (2007) Concepts of care: a workbook for community practitioners. UNHCR and Northumbria University, UK.

Korn, L. (1997) Community trauma and development. University College Dublin and the Center for World Indigenous Studies, USA.