- Department: English and Related Literature
- Credit value: 20 credits
- Credit level: M
- Academic year of delivery: 2022-23
What sets humans apart from the other animals? For some scholars, the answer to this question lies in their intellect (homo sapiens), ability to speak (homo loquens), capacity for worship (homo adorans), or even fondness for play (homo ludens). This module takes as its starting point Hannah Arendt's claim that men and women are primarily craftsmen or makers (homo faber), manipulating the world around them through the use of tools and technology. Over the course of the term, we will read a diverse range of literary texts that explore, represent, and interrogate concepts relating to craft.
While the module focuses mainly on the Middle Ages, it will also look backwards to classical and biblical precedents (the Bible, Plato, Aristotle, Arabic science), and forwards to the Arts and Crafts movement; the first week will focus on pre-medieval texts and the last on the nineteenth century. Each seminar centres on a particular theme–God as craftsman, sustainability, apprenticeships, gendered work, automata, etc.–examining this in relation to relevant primary sources. As the module progresses, you will ask broader questions about the role of craft and technology in the Middle Ages and now. How did medieval people conceive of the aesthetic pleasure of the crafted object? Why is craft such an enduring metaphor for literary authors? At what point does technology become dangerous and threatening? Why do medieval writers prize certain forms of originality less highly than we do today? And when did a schism open up between craft and what we now call art?
Occurrence | Teaching period |
A | Spring Term 2022-23 |
The aim of this module is to offer you an advanced introduction to issues relating to craft, technology and literature in the Middle Ages. The course will refine your ability to think broadly across literary genres, languages, and time.
On successful completion of this module, you should be able to:
Task | % of module mark |
Essay/coursework | 100 |
Task | % of module mark |
Essay/coursework | 100 |
You will receive feedback on all assessed work within the University deadline, and will often receive it more quickly. The purpose of feedback is to inform your future work; it is designed to help you to improve your work, and the Department also offers you help in learning from your feedback. If you do not understand your feedback or want to talk about your ideas further you can discuss it with your module tutor, the MA Convenor or your supervisor, during their Open Office Hours
Calcidius, On Plato's Timaeus; the Vulgate Bible; excerpts from translations attributed to King Alfred the Great; Old English allusions to women's work; Hugh of St Victor, Didascalion and Bonaventure's, On the Reduction of Arts to Theology; Alan of Lille, Anticlaudianus; Geoffrey of Vinsauf’s Poetria nova; Theophilus, On Diverse Arts; the York Mystery Plays; the Gawain-poet, Pearl; John Ruskin; William and May Morris.