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Psychology in Education Dissertation - EDU00029H

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  • Department: Education
  • Module co-ordinator: Dr. Chelsea Sellers
  • Credit value: 40 credits
  • Credit level: H
  • Academic year of delivery: 2024-25

Module summary

The Dissertation is a small-scale independent research study of 7000 words, worth 40 credits, based on data you have collected through the use of some method(s) of data collection such as an experimental or quasi-experimental study, questionnaires, interviews or direct observation. Marking criteria have been developed specifically for the dissertation and are different to the generic marking criteria. You are advised to refer to this guide, the marking criteria and the York APA style guide throughout your final year.

Module will run

Occurrence Teaching period
A Semester 1 2024-25 to Semester 2 2024-25

Module aims

  • To provide students with the opportunity to engage in depth with literature around a specific topic and demonstrate a high level of critical analysis

  • To give students experience in utilising the research skills and knowledge developed over stage 1 and stage 2 of the programme

  • To give students experience of generating a research question and/or formulating a hypothesis based on existing literature that is appropriate to their programme of study

  • To give students experience in choosing and employing appropriate methods of investigation with which to address the question and demonstrate consideration of ethical issues when designing their study

  • To give students the opportunity to demonstrate their skills in academic writing, critical analysis and research design through a written report of their work.

Module learning outcomes

Subject content

  • Formulate a clear research question which demonstrates engagement with appropriate literature and a detailed level of understanding of their chosen topic

  • Generate a testable empirical research question &/or hypothesis and select appropriate methods of investigation including use of appropriate methodology e.g. qualitative or quantitative, selecting or developing appropriate measures, or designing experimental paradigms.

  • Demonstrate an awareness of the ethical issues involved in their research by producing an ethics proposal outlining their approach to these issues.

  • Demonstrate skill in data analysis using their chosen method and presenting their results in a clear and appropriate form

  • Interpret research findings with reference to existing literature

  • Reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of their design

  • Discuss the educational implications of their findings.

Academic and graduate skills

  • Formulate academic arguments in written and oral form

  • Manage a range of sources and critically evaluate the reliability and validity of these in informing and supporting academic argumentation

  • Analyse the ways in which theories and data from differing disciplines can inform each other and enhance understanding (in this case, of educational diversity)

  • Use the VLE and Internet effectively

Module content

Week 1/2 - Supervision
Week 2 - Intro the Dissertation
Week 3 - Ethics Intro/ Overview
Week 5 - Ethics Workshop (+Supervision, later in term if not needed)
Break Week
Week 6 - Ethics Deadline
Week 9 - Next Steps After Ethics Workshop
Week 10 - Shut up and Write Session

Week 1 - Next Steps Refresher/ Online drop-in
Week 2 - Supervision
Week 3 - Shut up and Write Session
Week 5 - Online Drop-In and Analysis Support
Week 6 - Shut up and Write Session and Analysis Support (+Supervision)
Easter Break
Week 7 - Face to Face Drop-In and Analysis Support
Week 9 - Editing and Formatting Workshop and Analysis Support
Week 10 - Final Supervision (this will depend on the dissertation deadline and should be no less than three weeks before)
Week 11 - Shut up and Write Session

Indicative assessment

Task Length % of module mark
Graduate/Postgraduate Dissertation
N/A 100

Special assessment rules

IMPORTANT: see 'additional assessment information' for details of penalty for non-submission of a complete ethics application by Thursday, week 6 (Autumn term) . This module is non-compensatable.

Additional assessment information

A complete ethics application (as is at the time required by the department’s Ethics Committee, but to include audit, consent forms and project outline) must be submitted by noon on Thursday week 6, Term 1. Failure to meet this deadline will incur a 5% penalty on the final module mark (i.e. 5 marks will be docked). A satisfactory ethics proposal must be submitted, after feedback on the initial application if necessary, in order to pass the module. This module is non-compensatable.

Indicative reassessment

Task Length % of module mark
Graduate/Postgraduate Dissertation
N/A 100

Module feedback

Students will receive written feedback on their summative assessments. The feedback is returned to students in line with university policy. Please check the Guide to Assessment, Standards, Marking and Feedback for more information.

Indicative reading

Aron, A., Aron, E., & Coups, E. (2010). Statistics for the behavioral and social sciences: A brief course New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Pallant, J. (2010). SPSS survival manual: A step by step guide to data analysis using the SPSS program (4th ed.). Berkshire, UK: McGraw Hill.
Coolican, H. (2009). Research methods and statistics in psychology.

The information on this page is indicative of the module that is currently on offer. The University constantly explores ways to enhance and improve its degree programmes and therefore reserves the right to make variations to the content and method of delivery of modules, and to discontinue modules, if such action is reasonably considered to be necessary. In some instances it may be appropriate for the University to notify and consult with affected students about module changes in accordance with the University's policy on the Approval of Modifications to Existing Taught Programmes of Study.