Examination guidance and post-examination changes
Examination guidance for PGRs
You must ensure that you submit a coherent body of interrelated work; a series of papers with little or no linking text is likely to result in a fail.
Each substantive research chapter must therefore be contextualised and integrated within the thesis as a whole, through a commentary included with each paper chapter, and/or the conclusion/integrative chapter.
You and your supervisor(s) are reminded that the inclusion of peer-reviewed and published papers within a thesis is a measure of good progress but does not, in itself, guarantee a successful examination outcome. You should, therefore, expect to be questioned fully on the content of published papers (including co-authored papers).
Examination guidance for examiners
Examiners should be advised that:
- a journal-style thesis should meet all the expectations of a thesis as set out in ‘the Nature of the Thesis’ section of the Policy on Research Degrees
- when examining a journal-style thesis they may wish to pay particular attention to:
- determining whether the thesis forms a coherent body of interrelated work
- when considering jointly-authored papers, the contribution made by the PGR under examination.
Examiners should be aware that:
- the presentation of a journal-style thesis will be different from that of a monograph thesis (eg the formatting may vary within the thesis)
- there may be some duplication of material within the thesis as each ‘paper chapter’ will have some self-contained components that may overlap with other chapters in the thesis
- if published papers are incorporated these are likely to generate a close match alert if plagiarism-checking software is used.
Post-examination changes to a journal-style thesis
Changes to papers pre-submission
Any corrections to a paper that has not yet been submitted to a journal should be made within the text of the paper.
Changes to papers post-submission but pre-publication
Any corrections to a paper that has been submitted to a journal - but not yet published - should be made within the text of the paper (as included in the thesis). The examiners may recommend that the PGR advises the journal reviewers and/or journal editorial team of the changes so that they are reflected in the published version of the paper.
Changes to published papers
Examiners cannot request changes to a published paper. Any corrections to a published paper should normally be dealt with by the inclusion of a commentary text in the thesis, at the start or end of the paper. Exceptionally, examiners may require that a PGR submits a formal correction to a journal. Suspected academic misconduct in a published paper should be considered under the University's Research Misconduct Policy.