Full time postgraduate students who have accepted an offer of a place can apply for accommodation. This page will tell you everything you need to know about the application process.

2024/25 applications

Accommodation applications for postgraduate students expecting to join us in 2024/25 are now open. Have questions? Read through our answers to most Frequently Asked Questions.

Apply for postgraduate accommodation 2024/25

Our postgraduate accommodation guarantee

You're guaranteed an offer of a single-occupancy room in accommodation owned, managed or approved by the University if you apply for accommodation for the full academic year 2024/25, and meet the following criteria:

  • You're a new postgraduate-taught student (UK or International).
  • You accept an offer to study at York, and apply for accommodation by 5pm BST on 8 August 2024.
  • Your study offer becomes unconditional by 5pm BST on 8 August 2024.

Students who are not covered by the guarantee

If you don't meet the above criteria, we would still encourage you to apply for accommodation by the deadline date of 8 August for the 2024/25 academic year. If you are unable to apply by the 8 August deadline, applications will open from 15 August.

Whilst you are not guaranteed accommodation, we will do everything we can to assist you in securing a room in university owned, managed or approved accommodation. If we can't offer you university accommodation, we can advise you on private renting options.

Accommodation for couples and families

We welcome applications from couples and families, however, we have a limited number of suitable bed spaces and therefore we cannot guarantee accommodation for those applying for couple or family accommodation.

Returning students

Due to the limited availability of rooms for returning undergraduate and postgraduate students, we are unable to offer an accommodation guarantee for all returning students.

How to apply

When you apply for accommodation, we’ll ask you to rank your room choices in order. Each choice is for a specific room type in a specific college.

  • Login at accommodation.york.ac.uk using your York login details (e.g. smith289@york.ac.uk) 

  • Click ‘create application’ for the next academic year

  • On the first page check that all of your personal details are correct

  • You’ll then need to select your application type: Single, couple or family

List your top six accommodation options in order of preference by clicking the rooms banner icon. Each preference will specify a college, room type, let length, catering and bathroom information.

  • You can use the dropdowns and slider in the right-hand column to filter your search
  • You can rearrange the order of your preferences by dragging and dropping them in the right-hand column

All applications are considered and rooms are not allocated on a “first-come, first-served” basis, but use a computerised auto-allocation system to select impartially from the applicants based on preferences.

You’ll be asked if you have any additional requirements for health, welfare or mobility reasons. Please don't wait until you have received a room offer to let us know about these as we may not be able to find you a suitable room at that stage.

  • Upload your completed Supporting Evidence Form (PDF , 223kb) using the option provided and click the ‘upload’ button to attach it to your application .
  • If you aren’t able to complete the form before you apply, you can upload it at a later date (before our accommodation deadline) by logging back in and selecting ‘edit my application’).

Read our web page for further information: Accommodation for additional requirements

The last thing you’ll need to do is let us know who we can share your data with. This will include who we are able to talk to about your accommodation and room offer (including family members or carers) and the third party accommodation providers we can share your application data with if we need to.

Once you’re happy with your consent options you’ll be asked to review all of your options and choices before you submit your application. Remember, you can log back in and edit your application at any time.

If you would like to change your consent options, or allow us to speak to someone other than yourself about your accommodation once you have moved in, please let us know at accommodation@york.ac.uk.


After you've selected the room you’d like to book, you’ll be asked to review your booking. 

On the next page, you'll need to read the terms and conditions before reaching the final page where you will confirm your application. Make sure you complete ALL of the steps, including the confirmation step.

Once your booking is complete, you’ll receive an email to confirm that we have received your booking request. If you do not receive an email, you have not completed all of the booking steps.

If you have applied for Student Castle accommodation, it may take upto three days for your booking request confirmation email to arrive.

Before confirming your booking, please make sure you read our Student Terms and Conditions carefully. If you receive an offer of a room at Student Castle, your residence agreement will be with Student Castle directly not with the University.


What happens next

1. Application confirmed

Once you’ve applied, we'll send you a confirmation email. If you mentioned additional requirements, please ensure you upload the relevant supporting medical evidence. We'll be in touch if we require further information.

2. Receive your room offer

We will contact successful applicants from April onwards.

3. Accept your room offer

You’ll need to accept your offer by the date stated in the email by following the link provided. Make sure you have internet access for this.

4. Make your advance payment

You may need to make an advance payment of £250 (off campus only) - this will be detailed in your room offer email.

5. Receive your room number

Room numbers will be sent out nearer to your start date. Around this time you’ll also start to hear more from your college about arrivals and events.

6. Pay your first rent instalment

Your rent is split over three instalments, the first of which will be due in October. We recommend setting up a direct debit.

What happens next

We confirm your booking*

Once you’ve made a booking, we'll send you a confirmation email. If you do not receive this email, please get in touch.

*subject to change dependent on 2024 exam results day and clearing period dates.