Access to Turnitin for postgraduate researchers

News | Posted on Friday 17 January 2025

We are making Turnitin - the sector-leading text-matching software - more readily available to postgraduate researchers.

We want all our PGRs to be supported to maintain the highest standards of responsible research in their PGR journey, from initial conception through to writing up.

To help you reflect on and improve your academic writing, we are making Turnitin - the sector-leading text-matching software - more readily available. Using Turnitin formatively (i.e. on draft or non-assessed work) can be a useful check of your use of source material and your approach to referencing, and can help you to avoid inadvertent plagiarism.

To access your formative Turnitin submission points, you will need to complete the Turnitin Originality Check Online Tutorial (PGR). If you do not have the tutorial in your VLE courses list, please contact The Online Tutorial will be available from Monday 3 February 2025.

Talk to your supervisor if you have any concerns or email