YMP Sustainability Education Development Workshop

Posted on 23 February 2023

The Partnership held their first Sustainability Education Collaboration workshop in January as part of the focus on their new strategy.

Staff from the University of York and Maastricht University collaborating over some flipcharts

The York-Maastricht Partnership’s new strategy focuses on developing teaching and research collaborations between these two universities in all areas of sustainability.

We held our first Sustainability Education Collaboration workshop in January, with the aim of generating lots of ideas around potential topics and ways of teaching sustainability in York and Maastricht.

Joined by representatives from faculties across both universities, after a day of brainstorming and group discussions, the fifteen participants came up with a number of exciting ideas for potential joint teaching for undergraduates and postgraduates, and for modules and collaborative programmes.

We’ll take these back to our respective faculties and departments for discussion

If you have any ideas or would like to hear more about the plans and opportunities for collaborative teaching, please do get in touch with Katherine at katherine.benson@maastrichtuniversity.nl