The first tranche of York-Maastricht Partnership funding supported £2m (€2.2m) of research collaborations across nine distinct projects – including initiatives to tackle serious health problems and solutions to global sustainability.

This first tranche of funding was made up of contributions from the Partnership, University departments, research council grants, and private sector funding and supported joint research initiatives across York and Maastricht.

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Each project was co-led by a researcher at each university and focused across three academic areas:-


Investigating neuroimaging and molecular imaging, making the most of the cutting edge technologies and techniques at both institutions.

Data Science

The key challenges for both technology and society around data and how it is used.

Future of Europe

Our research takes advantages of the twin perspectives of York and Maastricht: both geographically European but with national governments which take very different political approaches to Europe.

More information on the York Maastricht Partnership’s new ‘Greener Future’ Vision, Research Strategy, and the successful projects from the recent funding call will be available soon.

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