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Working Groups

Athena Swan

The Athena Swan Charter recognises the advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all. The Athena Swan Charter covers women, men where appropriate and trans staff and students in:

  • academic roles in STEMM and AHSSBL
  • professional and support staff.

In relation to: representation, progression of students into academia, journey through career milestones, working environment for all staff.

In December 2022 the Department was awarded an Athena Swan Silver Award.


Green Impact

The Green Impact project ( is a national accreditation project working within 105 unions, over 50 universities and colleges and now expanding into NHS trusts, local authorities and beyond. Each programme is supported by the national union of students' 'Green Impact team' and recognises the potential of staff and students to change the way institutions behave, from the bottom up.


Women in Research Network

We provide a space for women to discuss the particular issues they experience in the research domain and have over 150 members across the University. The network is open to women of all backgrounds and this includes people who identify as trans women or non-binary. We recognise that women's experiences, while often common or similar, are different depending on their background, heritage and life experiences. Our members enjoy the interdisciplinary of the network and support from colleagues for their research and career progression. Find out more information on the Women in Research Network page.

“I started today feeling pretty despondent - actually quite upset about how powerless I am in my career. But this all changed within the first hour! Loads of positive and inspiring tips for how to take control and ownership of our profiles. What have we got to lose?” 

Peer Support for Teaching

The Peer Support for Teaching (PST) Policy is core to the University's pursuit of high quality and continuously improving educational provision and should be a means of enabling, and tangibly demonstrating commitment to, real improvement. Informed by a holistic view of teaching and learning, PST focuses upon evidence-based and scholarly enhancement (not quality assurance monitoring), collegiality in the support and development of practice and flexibility for departments in implementing the policy.

Disability Steering Group

The Steering Group has been convened to improve attitudes to disability and health conditions and disclosure. The group support the University to foster a campus wide culture in which all members of the University community are able to participate and fulfil their potential regardless of their disability or health condition. In addition to informing and influencing the University’s approach to disability equality by contributing experience, expertise and ideas (through feedback from the Network) to the work of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee and University’s Executive Board. Contact them on or +44 (0)1904 324680.


The Springboard webpage takes you through the Springboard programme which is an internationally acclaimed programme which supports women to achieve greater recognition and influence in their professional and personal lives and supports them in making positive changes. The programme was designed by women, for women and is open to transgender women, and non-binary people.

Springboard is open for women in grades 1-6. Further information can be found on the Springboard webpage.

To apply for Springboard, speak to your line manager to gain approval and complete the Application Form.

You can contact the People and Organisational Development Team - or telephone 01904 324036.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

The University’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy is underpinned by the belief that equality, diversity and inclusive practice enhances our University culture academically, intellectually and socially. Every member of staff at the University should feel welcome
here, and an integral part of our community. The University provides support and has put together information about staff networks, guidance on tackling harassment, and links to resources for your own health and welfare, to online equality training and to details of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Champions. The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Champions within the Department of Health Sciences are Jen Brown and Liz Wands-Murray. Find out more on the EDI webpage.

Every student at the University plays an integral role in the York Community and the University provides advice, guidance and information on equality related issues. Find out more on the equality website.

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