Consumer Disclosure Information

The University of York is required by the US Government to disclose the following consumer information. If you require further information, please email the Student Financial Support (SFS) team at


Contact us

Student Financial Support
For phone calls, you will be asked to leave a message and a member of the team will get back to you within two working days (open Monday to Friday).
+44 (0) 1904 32 4043

University of York financial aid information

Further information on centrally-managed scholarships available for students studying at the University of York can be found on our Bursaries and Scholarships webpage. In addition, students are advised to contact their academic departmental office for information on scholarships managed within the department.

US Federal Aid

The University of York provides the following information for students considering US Federal Aid and Title IV Direct Loans;

  • How to apply and loan amounts
  • Student Eligibility Requirements
  • Types of loan available
  • Cost of attendance
  • Entrance counselling
  • How and when your aid will be disbursed
  • Withdrawal procedures, refund policies and return of Title IV funds
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress
  • Financial Aid Probation and Suspension
  • Exit counselling 

This information can be accessed via:

US Federal Regulations state that you must have a secondary school completion credential (high school diploma) or the recognized equivalent of a secondary school completion credential to be eligible to receive Federal Aid.

The US Department of Education provides information for students on Federal Aid at

Default Management Plan

The University of York has a Default Management Plan for Title IV Federal Aid.

Code of conduct for educational loans

In order to prohibit a conflict of interest with the responsibilities of an agent with respect to private education loans, staff at the University with responsibility for Federal and Private Education Loans from the United States are prohibited from the following:

  • Revenue sharing arrangements with lenders
  • Receiving gifts from a lender or loan servicer
  • Obtaining financial benefits from lenders or loan servicers
  • Providing a preferred list of lenders.
  • Offers of funds for private loans

Private loans

The University does not have a preferred Lenders List but will, where possible, work with whichever private lender a prospective borrower decides to use. Students should be aware that the majority of private lenders choose not to offer loans when borrowers are studying outside the USA.

It is recommended that students investigate Title IV Federal Aid funding before applying for a private student loan, as Federal Aid is often cheaper.

Please note, this is not a recommendation of one lender and students may be able to find alternative sources within their own state in the USA. It is the student’s responsibility to carefully research the terms and conditions (including repayment obligations, interest rates, deferral options, etc.) and consider personal financial implications before proceeding.

Further information on how to apply for a private loan can be found at:

Veteran Affairs (VA) benefits

The University of York is registered with the US Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). Further information for Veterans or Veteran dependants can be found on our VA webpage.

Degree programmes, admissions policies and procedures

A full list of degree programmes offered at all study levels at the University of York can be found on the University’s website. Modules for each degree are listed accordingly within the degree information, including information of instructional, laboratory and other physical facilities, if applicable.

Students wishing to study at the University of York are advised to view the following webpages prior to submitting an application for admission:

Information on University-specific entry requirements can be found within the above application process links. This is in addition to any course-specific requirements found within the degree information.

Ineligible programmes

The University of York is unable to certify Title IV Direct Loans for the following programmes:

While US students are eligible to apply for these programmes, they will be unable to fund their studies with Federal Aid Loans.

School costs

Tuition fee costs vary according to degree programmes. Information on tuition fee costs for individual programmes can also be found within the degree information for that programme, available on the University’s website.

Detailed information for living costs can be found at:

These costs will be used to calculate your cost of attendance and are reviewed on an annual basis.

Reading lists outlining specific course texts can be found within the specific module information listed on the module catalogue, or directly from your departmental office. Specific titles may be available for borrowing from the University of York Library.

Telecommunications teaching

Courses delivered via online method, including telecommunication delivery, are not eligible for Title IV funding.

Students undertaking elements of their programme via telecommunication methods as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic guidelines, remain eligible to receive Title IV funding until June 2023.

After this point, any student in receipt of Title IV funding must resume in-person teaching at the University of York campus to remain eligible for funding. 

Study abroad, placements and internships

Regulations will potentially allow students receiving US federal loans to take up to 25 percent of their program of study in the United States or at institutions outside the US through a written agreement. The Student Financial Support team will need to assess the eligibility of your selected institution to ensure it meets the conditions of the regulation. Please email the team at to discuss your travel plans before any period of study outside the UK so we can advise on your rights to US Federal Aid.

Students undertaking a programme that includes a placement or internship as part of their delivery will not be eligible for Title IV funding. US students are eligible to apply for such programmes, but will need to find alternative funding.

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy

The University of York is required by US Federal Law (34CFR 668.16) to define and enforce standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for students who wish to access US Federal Aid, namely William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans. The full guidelines can be found within the SAP policy.

Return to Title IV Funds policy

The Return to Title IV (R2T4) policy specifies how the University of York will determine the amount of U.S. Higher Education Act Title IV programme assistance (Direct and PLUS Loans) that students earn if they withdraw from the University.

Completion, graduation and transfer rates

Information on the University’s completion and transfer ­out rates is available from the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA). 

The University of York is unable to supply a breakdown of completion or transfer­ out rates by gender, ethnicity or recipients of need­-based Subsidised loans. Due to the very low non-­continuation rate, doing so may reveal personally identifiable information about individual students, which would breach the Data Protection Act.

Equality, diversity and inclusion

The University of York is committed to valuing and celebrating diversity, and to advancing equality and inclusive practice in all its activities. Further information can be found within our equality, diversity and inclusion webpage.

Information on how to report an incident of harassment, bullying and hate incidents against students can be found within the student reporting procedures.

Student support and welfare

The University of York provides a range of support services for students, including health and wellbeing advice, support for international students, and disability support. Further information can be accessed via our Support and Advice webpage.

Mature students

Mature students are students who are 21 years and over at the beginning of their programme of study. Mature students are eligible to receive Title IV Aid providing they have met the standard entry criteria for our programmes, including relevant high-school diplomas. 

Academic misconduct

Students found to be in breach of academic misconduct regulations, including but not limited to cheating and plagiarism, will be subject to disciplinary action in line with the current University of York’s Academic Misconduct Policy.

Withdrawal procedure

If you are considering withdrawing or taking a break from your studies, it is recommended that you follow the guidance listed on the University of York’s website, including discussing your personal circumstances with your supervisor and/or a member of the University’s Support and Advice Team. If you hold a Student Visa, any changes may affect this; therefore, it is strongly recommended that you seek immigration advice before making your decision.

Withdrawing from your programme will affect your Federal Aid eligibility. Further information on this can be found within the Return to Title IV Policy (see above).

Detailed information on taking a temporary break from your studies, ie a leave of absence, can be found within:

Refund policy

The University of York has an institutional Refund and Compensation Policy for all students who have officially enrolled at the University. The University Policy should therefore not be confused with R2T4 calculations and refunds. 

The amount of Title IV funds due for return as a result of a withdrawal is calculated independently of the tuition fee liability charged by the University. Therefore, the student may still owe funds to the University to cover unpaid institutional charges, or may indeed be entitled to a refund in accordance with the regulations (but only after any Title IV funds owed have been returned to the U.S. Department of Education, if applicable). The University may also attempt to collect from the students any Title IV funding that the University of York is required to return to the U.S. Department of Education.

University of York’s data protection legislation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force on 25 May 2018. Further information on the University’s policy can be found on our data protection webpage.

US Federal Aid applications

The following information relates to the specific handling of applications for US Direct Loans and private loans at the University of York. This information does not apply to any external applications made; for example, applications submitted directly on a private lender's website website.

Data storage

Applications and supporting documentation are held securely electronically on SFS’s online cloud. Access to this cloud is restricted to members of SFS.

Additional supporting documentation will be held securely electronically within a secure folder. Access to this folder is restricted to members of SFS.

Information on disbursements made may be held within the University’s finance systems.

Data sharing

Information on US Direct Loans recipients and disbursement amounts will be shared by SFS with members of the Finance Department for payment purposes.

Information on SAP and/or withdrawals will be shared with SFS via the University’s student records system prior to each disbursement period.

The University will be subject to an annual audit, conducted by BDO, as per US Department of Education requirements. Applications and supporting documentation for a sample number of students provided by the auditor will be shared with named persons from BDO for the purposes of this audit.

Deletion of data 

Applications and any information submitted alongside will be destroyed 6 years after the end of your final academic year, or completion of that academic year's external audit, whichever is later.

Contact us

Student Financial Support
For phone calls, you will be asked to leave a message and a member of the team will get back to you within two working days (open Monday to Friday).
+44 (0) 1904 32 4043