Postgraduate taught students
When you're planning for life after your Masters, we're here to help.
- individual and department-based support for your career planning from professionally qualified, experienced careers and information practitioners
- events to help you explore a range of career options, and connect with employers and alumni working in areas of interest
- access to a range of work-related opportunities from our volunteering, enterprise and placement teams
- Your Career Journey for taught postgraduates (see below)
- information and career resources on our website.
Explore other resources and tailored careers support
Career planning
Your Career Journey has been developed to help you get the most out of your Masters at York, by planning your time here, reviewing what you have achieved and moving towards a career that you will succeed in. The journey is broken down into three stages, to help you explore your options, and suggesting activities to develop your skills, strengths and leadership qualities and prepare to apply for jobs or further study.
York Strengths Online is open to taught and research postgraduates.
The programme aims to help you identify your personal strengths and understand the part they can play in your career planning, as well as introduce you to a range of tools and opportunities to support your transferable skills development.
Careers and Placements support is available to you during your time at York, and after you graduate, and includes:
Careers website
Information and resources on
- Ideas and career planning
- Looking for work
- CVs, applications and the recruitment process
- Developing your skills, including volunteering and enterprise
Online tools
- Team Focus questionnaires to understand your personality and preferences
- CareerSet for CV feedback
- Shortlist.Me for interview practice
- Assessment Day and Team Focus to practise online tests
Follow the links from the website (University of York log-in required)
- York Profiles and Mentors - find out what other Masters students have done. Search by department and qualification level, and get in touch to ask questions or request a mentor.
The earlier you start thinking about your future, the better. The time during your postgraduate degree will go very quickly! Postgraduate students are welcome at our events, see the complete listing in Handshake. The events listed below may be particularly relevant to Masters students:
Semester 2 events
- How to start a career in think tanks, Monday 3 March 4pm, online
- Preparing for interviews, Tuesday 8 April 4pm, on campus
- Planning your next steps, Tuesday 29 April 4pm, online
- Working in research, 30 April 6pm on campus
- Graduate jobs fair, Wednesday 7 May 11am to 3pm, on campus
- Marketing your Masters, Wednesday 11 June 4pm, on campus
Events for international students
You are welcome at any of our events. In addition, we have some events specifically for international students - Semester 2 events include:
- Looking for UK work experience, Thursday 20 February, 4pm on campus
- Post-study visa options, Wednesday 5 March, 4pm, on campus
- Understanding the UK labour market, Wednesday 19 March, 4pm, on campus
- Looking and applying for work in the UK, Thursday 3 April, 4pm, on campus
- International alumni panel event, Wednesday 16 April, 4pm, on campus
- Prepare for the fair, 30 April 4pm on campus
Find more details and book your place via Handshake.
Slides from Semester 1 events
You can expect to develop existing and new skills through studying your Masters. Taking time to reflect on your skills will help you complete job applications, and explain the value of your Masters to employers in the UK or in your home country.
Identify the skills and attributes developed to a higher level through Masters study, such as:
- Subject specific skills, including research skills and techniques, a critical awareness of current scholarship and practice in your field of study
- Critical thinking and analytical skills, ability to deal with complex issues, problem solving
- Time management, self-direction, initiative
- Organisational skills and planning
- Communication skills (written and oral), communicating to specialist and non-specialist audiences
- Decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations
- Independent learning ability required for continuing professional development
From The Frameworks for Higher Education Qualifications of UK Degree-Awarding Bodies, QAA 2024
Find out more about the skills needed for specific jobs on Prospects job profiles and our job sector pages.
Graduate recruiters welcome applications from postgraduates. While some jobs may ask for a Masters degree, it tends not to be a specific entry requirement in the UK, so you'll need to demonstrate the extra skills you've gained. The type and level of job you can apply for will depend on your level of experience and the type of Masters you are studying. Think about what makes you stand out.
Find out about different types of graduate jobs, including timescales and application deadlines. If you are hoping to apply for a graduate scheme offered by one of the major employers in the UK, check application and start dates carefully. Some close for applications in autumn/Semester 1 with start dates typically late summer or early autumn the following year, and you must be available to start work at that point. International students, check your visa status, as you will not be available to start work until after your course completion date. Alternatives may be to apply the following year, or more likely to look at direct entry jobs and the opportunities offered by smaller businesses or SMEs, who account for around a third of graduate jobs and recruit year round. KTPs (Knowledge Transfer Partnerships) offer skilled graduates the opportunity to work collaboratively with a business and university to deliver an innovative project, see the University's KTP pages for more information.
Search Handshake for vacancies, including remote and hybrid working. Keep a check on specialist vacancy and professional bodies’ websites for those jobs requiring a specific Masters degree; some of these are listed on our job sector pages. See also Prospects website for advice on getting a job after your Masters.
If you want to work in a different country after your studies see our International Work page, with links to Prospects, GradLink and GoinGlobal to help in your job search.
If you are passionate about your subject, you may be considering applying for a PhD, which could lead to an academic career or a career in another sector. Either way, you need to start early in researching possible avenues, universities and funding opportunities.
Find resources to help you explore whether a PhD is right for you:
- Further study (scroll down to PhD section)
- York Graduate Research School
- Finding and applying for a PhD session 6 November 2024
and don't forget to talk with your supervisor and others in your department.
If you have come to the UK for your Masters degree, we know you will have a lot of new things to think about in a short space of time. As well as adjusting to life in a new country, you will be getting used to a new level of study, and may also be starting to think about what you will do when you have completed your course. Please check the information and events mentioned on this page, and remember we are here to support you on your journey.
- Talk to us - how to get in touch with the Careers team and book an appointment when you need one
- University of York immigration advice pages
- Careers and Placements international students' pages
- UKCISA (UK Council for International Student Affairs)