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Sustainability Week 2025 - activities now bookable

Posted on 4 February 2025

Running from Monday 3 March to Friday 7 March, you're invited to join us for a dedicated week of activities, events and workshops aimed at raising awareness about environmental and social issues - and you can now book your space.

Sustainability Week 2025 will mark our eleventh annual sustainability-themed week. Each March, we invite staff, students, alumni and our local community to participate in sustainability-related events, talks, and workshops. This initiative showcases the valuable work being done across the University and helps us move closer to achieving the goals outlined in our ambitious Sustainability Plan.

Sustainability Week 2025 presents an exciting opportunity to highlight the diverse and extensive sustainability efforts we are involved in. 

The week aims to foster networking and idea exchange, engage students and staff with research, promote environmental action, raise awareness, and celebrate progress within our community. It will also offer space for discussions on new sustainability opportunities and actions, as we recognise that there's always more to be done.

Each day of the week will focus on one of the five Sustainable Development Goals outlined in the University’s Sustainability Plan 2022 - 2030. 

The initial calendar of activities has now been released, and you can book your space on any of the events currently listed. More events will be added, so please stay tuned for further updates. 

Sustainability Week events