What it means to be an Involvement@York Register member
We will share opportunities to get involved in research at the University of York.
We asked our current Register members how they would like us to communicate with them, and they told us they prefer:
An email to Register members on a Friday, once or twice a month.
The email you receive will detail upcoming research involvement opportunities, events or other news that we think you might be interested in.
It may also include requests to help us improve Involvement@York and our ways of working. For example, reviewing our web pages or the development of new University policies and processes to support public involvement in research and/or wider participatory approaches to research.
We might need to contact you at other times too, but this will not happen very often.
To comply with current data protection regulations, we will contact all Register members every two years to make sure that the data we hold about you is correct.
We will also check that you would still like to hear from us.
You can leave the Involvement@York Register at any time and you do not need to provide us with a reason for leaving.
To do so, you simply need to contact us and tell us that you no longer wish to be a Register member.
Once you have left the Register, you will no longer receive our regular research involvement opportunities email.
Your details will be removed in their entirety from our Involvement@York Register database.
You are welcome to rejoin the Register at any time.
We are committed to upholding high standards of conduct and mutual respect within our community of Register members.
We reserve the right to remove anyone from the Register if their conduct does not align with those standards.
We do not anticipate needing to do this very often.
Anyone removed from the Register will be notified of this decision and they will no longer be sent opportunities to get involved in University of York research through Involvement@York.