The Involvement@York Register
The Involvement@York Register is an active record of members of the public who are interested in working with researchers at the University of York.
We created the Register to make it easier for researchers at the University to find members of the public to work with, for members of the public to stay in touch with the University of York, and to be made aware of research involvement opportunities on an ongoing basis.
The Register has grown and now helps us to:
- Support high quality public involvement in University of York research.
- Share opportunities with an active community of public contributors to get involved in different research projects and research-related activity.
- Build relationships between researchers and members of the public that are underpinned by trust and ambitions to work together to share power, resources, knowledge and decision making.
- Champion and celebrate public contributors to research, as well as the impact of meaningful public involvement in research and participatory research in all their forms.
We have an ever growing number of public contributors on the Involvement@York Register. They are involved in various different research projects and activities, using their lived experience to make a positive contribution to University of York research.

How to Join
We want to make joining our Involvement@York Register as easy as possible. Simply email us at to let us know you’d like to join and we’ll add your details to our register database.
When you express an interest in joining the Register, we will send you:
- A copy of our welcome booklet.
- A copy of our Involvement@York privacy notice.
- A copy of the University of York payment policy for research involvement and research participation.